Moyukh Chatterjee on her book, Composing Violence Drew Kerr: On one reading, you’ve offered a fresh take on the exclusionary Hindu nationalist project of perpetual crisis re/creating an intern… Drew Kerr: On one reading, you’ve offered a fresh take on the exclusionary Hindu nationalist project of perpetual crisis re/creating an intern… Patrick Eisenlohr: Moral Atmospheres is not just a rich portrait of the freewheeling mediascapes of a Lahore marketplace, it is al…
By Sita Mamidipudi, Department of Anthropology, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). Too Salty Najma and her family are Muslim fishworkers who live half a mile away from…
By Bhargabi Das I would like to begin by giving a little context of my research and my family and possibly how they overlapped over the course of…
Interview by Kamala Russell Morality at the Margins: Youth, Language, and Islam in Coastal Kenya Interview by Kamala Russell Morality at the Margins: Youth, Language, and Islam in…
By Bhargabi Das The summer months in the chars of western Assam, India where my ethnographic fieldwork was based, are only of respite because of the calm breeze…
Re-reading page 99 of my dissertation, I’m snapped back to the mosque in Milan, Italy that I came to know so well. Where public school children convened to…
What kind of practices, forms of moral reasoning and ethical orientation does Muslim humanitarianism entail? In what contexts and in response to what social problems does it arise?…
Gjesteinnlegg fra Lars Kristian Stramrud, som høsten 2018 hadde studentplass ved NIBR. Stramrud leverte nylig sin masteroppgave om muslimske kvinners bruk av offentlig rom på Grønland ved NMBU,… Interview by Alice Yeh Alice Yeh: Talk of persecution and extinction often accompanies media coverage of Christians in the …