Network Ghosts in the Age of Generative AI
What are faculty thinking about generative AI? In my role at our faculty center, I speak to faculty often on the problems they face teaching in the…
What are faculty thinking about generative AI? In my role at our faculty center, I speak to faculty often on the problems they face teaching in the…
Queerfeindlichkeit spielt im rechten Wahlkampf eine zentrale Rolle, auch bei der AfD. Und dennoch schliessen Homosexualität und Rechtextremismus sich nicht aus. Zwei Jahre lang hat der Kulturanthropol…
La foto es de Elena Rostunova Fragmento de “De la ciudad concebida a la ciudad practicada”, Archipiélago, 62, 2004, pp. 7-12. Espacio público y orden político Manuel Delgado…
Nara Milanich’s Paternity: The Elusive Quest for the Father (Harvard University Press, 2019) explains how fatherhood, long believed to be impossible to know with certainty, became a biological…
Cuban resourcefulness is on full display in Cuban Hustle: Culture, Politics, Everyday Life (Duke 2020), as sociologist Sujatha Fernandes presents an array of strategies not just for survival but for the invention…
Attacks on justice-oriented research (rather that valid criticism of research) is escalating. What is your plan if it happens to you?
What aspects of Natural History Museum samples contribute to the perpetuation of colonialism? And how can we conduct anti-colonial research with them?
In India, elite law firms offer a surprising oasis for women within a hostile, predominantly male industry. Less than 10 percent of the country’s lawyers are female, but…
How do you keep the cracks in Starry Night from spreading? How do you prevent artworks made of hugs or candies from disappearing? How do you render a fading photograph…
I. Introduction In 2010 India found itself mired in a medical crisis of diplomatic proportions. The crisis was precipitated by a paper (Kumaraswamy et al 2010) published in…
Written by Neil Turner The study of Maroon sites is a rich and virtually untapped area that can advance our …
Queer Kinship on the Edge? Families of Choice in Poland (Routledge, 2024) explores ways in which queer families from Central and Eastern Europe complicate the mainstream picture of queer kinship…
In a reference within Trần Gia Thảo Vy’s essay on Malinowski I notice that old Bronio’s volume “The Sexual Life of Savages” (on kinship systems and beliefs, so…
La foto es de Jaime Vedres En José María García-Pablos, ed. Nombrando lo urbano, Escuela de Arquitectura, Ingeniera y Diseño, Universidad Europea, Madrid, 2016, pp.… Chip Zuckerman: Thank you, John, for engaging with me about your new book. I should start by telling readers that we went to graduate school …
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Cultivating Democracy: Politics and Citizenship in Agrarian India (Oxford UP, 2021) by Dr. Mukulika Banerjee offers a groundbreaking rethinking of democracy, moving beyond its institutional frameworks to focus on…
In Illustration and Heritage (Bloomsbury, 2024), Rachel Emily Taylor explores the re-materialisation of absent, lost, and invisible stories through illustrative practice and examines the potential role of contemporary illustration in…
گذری بر شورش ماه ژوییهی ۲۰۲۳ در فرانسه خشونت، اعتراض، شورش، تخریب، سوزاندن و غارت! ده روز، فرانسه – یا به عبارت دقیقتر، حومههای داغ پاریس و مارسی…
تماشاخانۀ عملکردها صنعت آگاهی دارای شیوهای ارتباطی است که بین الزامات متناقض تقسیم شده است. یکی از شرایط این صنعت، افول تئوکراسی و فرمانروایی قطعی کشیشها یا حتی…
By Own screenshot, Fair use, I watch people on the Seoul subway playing 쿠키런 (Cookie Run) while we barrel towards Chongno. It’s the successful coloniz…
بسیار خوب در اینجا ما با طبقهبندی و مقولهبندی کالبدها روبرو هستیم. که البته پیش از آن در یونان باستان در آرای افلاطون و ارسطو نیز تعریفی کاربردی…
ترجمه و برداشت بخش ۲-مصرف و استفاده- از کتاب انسان شناسی و طراحی- نوشته وندی گان و جرد دونوان مقدمه: استفاده از انسانشناسی و طراحی بهعنوان ابزارهای کلیدی…
Julen är en högtid då traditioner och atmosfär står i centrum. Att ha en julgran, dricka glögg, tända ljus, baka pepparkakor och äta risgrynsgröt med kanel och socker…