Om broderier, ockupationer och hopp
Solen skiner varmt över en ockuperad gammal tågstation i Rom. Här huserar den transfeministiska organisationen Lucha y Siesta, som driver ett kvinnohärbärge i den största byggnaden sedan 2008.…
Solen skiner varmt över en ockuperad gammal tågstation i Rom. Här huserar den transfeministiska organisationen Lucha y Siesta, som driver ett kvinnohärbärge i den största byggnaden sedan 2008.…
An archaeologist explains how generative artificial intelligence has the potential to reshape our views of ancient people, arguing that a critical perspective is needed to use this technical…
For the eighth season of the SAPIENS podcast, we’re meeting at a crossroads of cultures—past and present—in search of humanity’s collective destination. Culture is a force that makes…
A Song Namacurra onoloba nikayedhoNamacurra asks for helpFrelimo onoguliya mathaka na atxinaFrelimo is selling our lands to the ChineseNafuna minivedele manera adhouweWe want to find a way for…
Each day weaves its own tale, and no two days unfold alike in the Mandal Valley. The Mandal Valley is like any central Himalayan valley, rich and teeming…
Matei Candea, Taras Fedirko, Paolo Heywood, and Fiona Wright We’re delighted to announce the publication of our new edited volume,…
By Sumin Myung, Cultural Anthropology, Victoria University of Wellington – Te Herenga Waka Editorial Note: This post is part of our series highlighting the work of the Anthropology…
Polly Katherine Lewis passed on March 8, 2025 from COPD complications after a two decade long struggle. Polly was born May 22, 1947 in Vallejo, CA. Her father…
The APLA Board invites individuals who are students in a graduate degree-granting program (including M.A., Ph.D., J.D., LL.M., S.J.D. etc.) to … More
Wir freuen uns, eine spannende Kooperation bekannt zu geben: REMID ist ab sofort offizieller Partner des Podcasts Schöner glauben! Der Podcast Schöner glauben, gegründet von Jason L…
Drawing Coastlines: Climate Anxieties and the Visual Reinvention of Mumbai’s Shore (Cornell UP, 2024) reveals the ways that technical images such as weather infographics, sea-level projections, and surveys are…
Robertsport, Liberia 2017 Preamble: My desk is facing the beach and ocean. I am currently on the small Indonesian island of Sumba, and my Californian neighbour is hitting…
Verschwörungstheorien verknüpfen Transgender-Identitäten mit Transhumanismus, um Ängste zu schüren und Feindbilder zu konstruieren. Narrative beeinflussen Politik, fördern Antisemitismus und rechtsext…
Big-time college football promises prestige, drama, media attention, and money. Yet most athletes in this unpaid, amateur system encounter a different reality, facing dangerous injuries, few pro-career opportunities,…
I recently (and finally!) got to talk at length with author Cory Doctorow, who famously coined the perfect term for when technology platforms and products rapidly decline in…
Foto de Matt Weber Nota per a Anna Gómez i Ariadna Galiana, estudiants del Grau d’Antropologia Social de la UB, enviat el juliol de 2013 ALGUNES CONSIDERACIONS SOBRE…
To be updated regularly. Last update March 21, 2025 Contact: Heath Cabot ( Have you found yourself under attack within … More
Letter from APLA President: Call for Action and Help March 21, 2025 Dear APLA Members and Friends, As you know, … More
Below is a video conversation about the 2024 book prize winner, Fighting to Breathe: Race, Toxicity and the Rise of Youth … More
I denne språkpraten diskuterer vi noen likheter og forskjeller mellom norrønt og moderne norsk innen ordforråd, morfologi og syntaks. Å lese en tekst på norrønt kan by på…
Foramen magno. No, no es el nombre de ningún emperador romano. Es como se llama al agujero por donde entra la médula espinal en el cráneo. Si…
Diplomatic pressures on countries in West Africa to cooperate on migration-related issues has been high, and growing, in recent years. Numerous policy initiatives underscore this, going back to…
Boaters of London is an ethnography that delves into the process of becoming a boater, adopting an alternative lifestyle on the water and the political impact that this travelling…
Access to Justice, Digitalization and Vulnerability by Naomi Creutzfeldt, Arabella Kyprianides, Ben Bradford and Jonathan Jackson examines individuals’ experience of seeking justice in housing a…