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Dialog über kulturwissenschaftliches Arbeiten an der Uni Wien
» Blog
- a feminist and anti-colonial laboratory
A book of unfinished theories
by Samuli Schielke. (From 2011 until 2014 this blog carried the title "You'll be late for the revolution!" An Anthropologist's Diary of the Egyptian Revolution and what followed.)
A Conversation on Unauthorized Im/migration and Health
AG Ethnologie & Bildung
Blog der Arbeitsgruppe "Ethnologische Bildung" der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie
AG Umweltethnologie
Blog der AG Umweltethnologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sozial-und Kulturanthropologie (DGSKA)
Communicating Development
Academic Research in the Anthropology of Europe - blog by the Anthropological Journal of European Cultures (Berghahn)
Alberto Acerbi
cognitive anthropology / cultural evolution / computational social science
Alex Golub
An Anthropology Blog
All Tomorrow's Cultures
Occasional posts on anthropologically interesting science fiction, anthropological futures
Allegra Lab
Allegra Lab: Anthropology, Law, Art & World
Von Student_innen, Dozent_innen und Forscher_innen der Abteilung Kulturanthropologie/Volkskunde der Universität Bonn
Alma Gottlieb
An anthropology views the world
An Anthropologist in Engineer's Clothing
Musings from an anthropologist / engineer swimming upstream in the building construction industry
"The future is a distant memory"
Anthropology • Web • Media • Society • Ethnography
Anthropology • Web • Media • Society • Ethnography
anders deutsch
widmet sich rassistischen und heteronormativen Diskursen aus der Mitte der Gesellschaft
Angela Kristin VandenBroek, PhD
Anthropology PhD Candidate & Freelance Designer
another anthro blog
Online collaboration and anthropology.
Anthro Doula
Thoughts on Birth and Culture
anthro everywhere!
anthropological perspectives in and on everyday life
a group blog devoted to "doing anthropology in public", formerly known as “Savage Minds"
anthropology and the body - by Max Schnepf
By anthropologist Helga Vierich
by Bruce Yu Lepeng
essays on psychological anthropology accessible to everyone
Anthrop 365
Thinking About Life Anthropologically
We're a group of aspiring anthropologists aiming at penning down our knowledge and thoughts as we learn new things about ourselves everyday.
UCL Anthropology’s student-run blog
critical perspectives on police, security, crime, law and punishment around the world
anthropology, politics and human security
Anthropological Perspectives on Death
a platform of communication for a college course at Emory entitled "The Anthropology of Death and Burial".
Anthropological Responses to Health Emergencies
a Special Interest Group of the Society for Medical Anthropology
Anthropological Tourism
Human Perspectives in Tourism Management
Antropología y diversidad
A blog by Amy Santee
Some thoughts on the game life and those who play it
Anthropology As….
Life, the Universe, and Anthropology
\"a humble endeavour to collect study materials on anthropology and then share it with interested others\"
Anthropology in Motion
This blog is maintained by students of the Institute of Anthropology at Heidelberg University.
Anthropology in Practice
Science news and technology updates from Scientific American
Anthropology in Tromsø
written by the Department of Anthropology at the Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø
Anthropology of Smartphones and Smart Ageing Blog
Anthropology of Smartphones and Smart Ageing
Antroperspektiv is a blog belonging to the Swedish Anthropological Association (SANT)
Antropolog Charlotte Jensen
Sundhed og velfærd
antropologi.info - sosialantropologi i Norden blogg
antropologi.info - sosialantropologi blogg
antropologi.info - anthropology in the news blog
anthropology in the news blog
antropologi.info - Ethnologie / Sozialanthropologie / Kulturanthropologie Blog
antropologi.info Ethnologie Sozialanthropologie Blog
Antropología 2.0 Blog
As a strategic ethnographic consultancy, we drive innovation helping business to make better decisions through a deep understanding of people.
Antropología industrial
Las empresas son personas, las personas son cultura y todo lo demás
Antropologia: una perspectiva multiple
por Gabriela Vargas-Cetina, antropologa
Antropress - Medium
nettmagasin laget av antropologistudenter ved Universitetet i Oslo
Arctic Anthropology
Updates and News from Northern Anthropologies of Circumpolar Regions.
Association for Political and Legal Anthropology
The section of the American Anthropological Association committed to critical study of politics and law
Biocultural Systematics
Biocultural Medical Anthropology at the University of Alabama
Blog - IndiGen - LMU Munich
digeneities in the 21st century: From ‘vanishing people’ to global players in one generation\" is an interdisciplinary ERC-funded research project at LMU Munich.
Blog - Teaching Anthropology
Blog of the journal Teaching Anthropology by the Royal Anthropological Institute
Blog – Digital Ethnography Initiative
by the Department of Social & Cultural Anthropology, University of Vienna
Blog – Digital Ethnography Initiative
the first step towards greater visibility of ethnographic work on “the digital” at the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology of the University of Vienna
Blog des Institut für Europäische Ethnologie
Einblick Forschungen und Projekte am Institut für Europäische Ethnologie der Uni Wien
Blog von Dr. Mareike Menne
C L O S E R - An anthropology of Muslims in Europe
An anthropology of Muslims in Europe - A modest attempt by Martijn
CaMP Anthropology
Communication, media, and performance. Blog is based in the Indiana University’s Anthropology Department
Center for a Public Anthropology
Encouraging the anthropological community to address public problems in public ways.
Growing Up Cosmopolitan in the Modern Middle East
Corona Times
Understanding the world through the Covid-19 pandemic. A blog written and curated by engaged scholars from across the world
Cultural Admixtures
A blog about culture and psychoactive substances
Culture & humanities – The Berkeley Blog
Provocative thinking from UC Berkeley
Culture and Capitalism
A Sussex Anthropology blog
Culture and International Affairs
This is the Blog for William O. Beeman, Professor and Chair of Anthropology and specialist in Middle East Studies at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis-St. Paul Minnesota, formerly of Brown University. It includes current publications on Middle East
Culture By Commotion – Grant McCracken
exploring culture, discovering value
Culture By Commotion – Grant McCracken
exploring culture, discovering value
Decolonize ALL The Things
The UNsettling reflections of a Decolonial Scientist in a Constant State of Rage
Det lange nå
Lars Risans vitenskaps-antropologisk blogg
Discard Studies
Studies of waste, pollution, and externalities
Dive Into Culture
Eintauchen in andere Welten! Ein Reise- und Kulturblog
Dori Tunstall
Design - Anthropology - Culture
Dylan Kerrigan - Opeds/Blogs
Ebola Response Anthropology Platform
Anthropologists from around the world providing advice on how to engage with crucial socio-cultural and political dimensions of the Ebola outbreak and build locally-appropriate interventions.
El Antropólogo Principiante
Aprendiendo Antropología Social y Cultural
blog by Manuel Delgado, "one of the anthropologists that has done most for the diffusion of anthropology in Spain" (antropologia2-0.com)
End of Negotiations – Boasblogs
about polarisation and ideological closure
A blog published by the Anthropology and Environment Society, a section of the American Anthropological Association
Engaging with the world - Thomas Hylland Eriksen
Blog by Thomas Hylland Eriksen
Erin B. Taylor
Material culture, mobile money and socioeconomic development
:: Sonner la cloche anthropologique :: Ringing the anthropological bell ::
:: Die ethnologische Glocke läuten :: Tocar la campana antropológica ::
:: Die ethnologische Glocke läuten :: Tocar la campana antropológica ::
Social Justice, Ecological Sustainability, Public Anthropology, Global Health
~ a group blog on a variety of topics related to anthropology, sociology, and ordinary people ~
Ethnologie Chinas
Blog by The Regional Group China(s) of the German Anthropological Association (GAA)
Ethnologie Studieren in Halle
Blog der Ethnologie-Studierenden in Halle
Ethnologisches Museum – Museum and the City
Blog des Ethnologischen Museums in Berlin
ethnologie und die welt da draussen
Etnologi - Åbo Akademi
Blogg för etnologi, folkloristik och kulturanalys
Exporting China’s Development to the World
Just another WordPress.com weblog
Fieldnotes & Footnotes
An anthropology blog celebrating the social nature of knowledge-production within the academy.
FocaalBlog is associated with Focaal: Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology - See more at: http://www.focaalblog.com/#sthash.Nwx2hkql.dpuf
Blog by the Society for the Anthropology of Food and Nutrition (SAFN)
A multimodal, anticolonial, and iconoclastic group blog
Kvalitative undersøkelser for offentlige og private aktører
Frauen in der Slowakei
Ethnographische Perspektiven auf Arbeit und Lebensführung von Frauen (im Rentenalter)
Gabriele de Seta
παρονομασία | grotesque realism, noisy anthropology, postdigital folklore
Zentrum für transdisziplinäre Geschlechterstudien - Ergebnisse, Projekte und Debatten aus Forschung und Lehre der Gender Studies an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Geschichte der Gegenwart
Beiträge von Kultur- und GeisteswissenschaftlerInnen aus der Schweiz und Deutschland
Global Social Media Impact Study
Nine anthropologists conducting long-term ethnographic fieldwork on how social media is affecting the lives of ordinary people around the world.
CRITICAL. | URBAN. | QUESTIONS. | Giovanni Picker's research blog
Gorillas and Grandfathers
Adventures in Anthropology, Conservation & Archaeology
Grant Jun Otsuki
“What does it mean to be human in contemporary technological societies?” Anthropology of Science, Technology, and Japan
Hannah Knox
anthropology, technology, climate change, infrastructure, expertise
Hilary Agro
Make drugs legal and billionaires illegal: Organize for a better world
Ideas Bazaar
Simon Roberts
Ingrid Thurner
Diversitäten. Fremdwahrnehmungen. Mobilitäten
Integration and Conflict along the Upper Guinea Coast/West Africa (IC_UGC)
A blog by members of the ‘Upper Guinea Coast’ research group at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology in Halle/Saale, Germany.
Is There Something On My Face?
A Native woman navigating the minefield of Westernized Academia
Jason Hickel Blog - Jason Hickel
Jason Hickel's research focuses on global inequality, political economy, post-development, and ecological economics.
Johannes Wilm
a blog on social science, activism, politics, programming, etc.
Julián Bueno
Consultoría digital, SEO, SEM, UX y Antropología de empresa
Begleitender Blog zum Seminar "Mode – Bild – Körper"
Anthropological perspectives by scholars at the Leiden University Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology
Livet i en storby
Oda Maiken Maraires feltblogg fra Johannesburg
Living Anthropologically
Anthropology - Understanding - Possibility
local cult.
Documentation of local culture. An Anthropology Blog from New Zealand.
Lorena Gibson
a blog documenting how a cultural anthropologist thinks about research, teaching, and the ways that we live in and shape the world around us
Material World
A Global Hub for Thinking About Things
Mats Utas
Conflict, peace and security on the African continent
Medical Anthropology at UCL
Home of the MSc Biosocial Medical Anthropology & MSc Medical Anthropology
medical anthropology in English and German
ührt die wissenschaftliche Disziplin der Anthropologie und Ethnologie hinaus aus den Hörsälen und Bibliotheken direkt in dein Ohr.
recognizing each other in the indigenous pacific and beyond
Museum Anthropology
Online Supplement to Museum Anthropology, the Journal of the Council for Museum Anthropology, a section of the American Anthropological Association
NAFA Network
Nordic Anthropological Film Association
NAPA - Practicing Anthropology
The National Association for the Practice of Anthropology
Natalie Hanson
anthropologist and ux professional
Netzwerk Fluchtforschung
ein multidisziplinäres Netzwerk von Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern, die zu Zwangsmigration, Flucht und Asyl forschen
For a greater understanding of the encultured brain and body
New Books in Anthropology
Interviews with anthropologists about their new Books
News source - Engaging with the world
By Thomas Hylland Eriksen
Nicholas C. Kawa
Environmental Anthropologist
Nils Heininger
Fotograf, Autor, Anthropologe
Notes from the Ethnoground
an ethnobotanist and anthropologist living in the Brazilian Amazon
OceanStates – The Blog
Blog by Bergen Pacific Studies Research Group
open access – Shreds and Patches
Jason Baird Jackson, Ruth N. Halls Professor of Folklore and Anthropology at Indiana University
The three crises of globalisation: An anthropological history of the early 21st century
Paige West
Dr. West’s broad scholarly interest is the relationship between societies and their environments.
People & Culture Development
Perspectives in Anthropology
\"a new online publication series launched in 2014\"
Perspectives in Anthropology
an internet-based anthropology magazine
Ein Blog über Berufsperspektiven für Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftler:innen
Peter Hervik
Associate Professor in Migration / Ph.D in Anthropology
Philbu's Blog
Weblog of Philipp Budka
The official blog of the Committee on the Anthropology of Science, Technology, and Computing (CASTAC)
polio, sierra leone, anthropology
PopAnth - Hot Buttered Humanity
Popular anthropology for everyone.
Psycho Cultural Cinema
The intersection of psychological anthropology with ethnographic film
Public Anthropologist
Journal Blog
Rat für Migration
Kritische Politikbegleitung zu Migration und Integration
Expressive culture in new formations
Seeing the relevance of Anthropology in Everyday Life
Blog des Religionswissenschaftlichen Medien- und Informationsdiensts e.V.
Social Explorations of Resource Extraction
RightNow! - Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet
by C-REX - Center for Research on Extremism, University of Oslo
Rudi Colloredo-Mansfeld, Ph.D.
Arts, communities and trades in the Ecuadorian Andes - by Rudi Colloredo-Mansfeld
Rustbelt Anthro
Contemporary Archaeology and Anthropology in the Postindustrial U.S.
anthropology / everything human
School for Advanced Research
research in anthropology, broadly defined, as well as the work of Native American artists and writers
Shaligram Ethnography
The Ethnography of Shaligram Shila
Shreds and Patches
by Jason Baird Jackson, Director of the Mathers Museum of World Cultures at Indiana University Bloomington
Sociala experiment
Vad händer när vi bryter mot sociala regler eller gör något oväntat?
Sociology/Anthropology – LSE Review of Books
the latest social science books reviewed by academics and experts
The website of Somatosphere
Sosialantropologi – Masterbloggen
tilgjengeliggjør masterstudenters kunnskapsproduksjon
Sound Ethnography Project
an experiment in engaging with sound to produce novel ethnographic methods and forms
Der Wissenschaftsblog des Soziologiemagazins
Space + Anthropology - Medium
tech | culture | space | anthropology | sci-fi | art
Space and Politics
Blog on the spatial and affective rhythms of politics
Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaften – Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
Aktuelles aus der Goethe-Universität | Neues aus Forschung, Lehre, Studium
Et populærvitenskapelig tidsskrift
En antropolog blogger om folk og samfunn i Tyrkia. Av Ståle Knudsen
Blog by the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology at VU University Amsterdam
Stéphane Voell
Stéphane Voell
Stimmen aus China
Ein Blog des Lehrstuhls Ethnologie der Globalisierung an der Uni Köln und der Stiftung Asienhaus
Stories by Amber Case on Medium
Cyber and Design Anthropologist Amber Case on Medium
Sverre Molland
Sydney Yeager
Where Culture and Curiosity Collide
Women’s Struggle for History and Health in Post-War Kosovo. By Hanna Kienzler
Insight on Islam and the Middle East
Teaching Culture
anthropology and pedagogy
Anthropology. Ethnography. Adolescent Homo sapiens.
Teoría e historia antropológica
Grado en Antropología Social, Universidad de Granada
the anthropo.scene
making up the 'world' with what we have on hand
The Anxious Anthropologist: culture, health and everyday life
stories of interconnection
The City Anthropologist
A portfolio of work with an anthropological insight to help open and inspire new perspectives on specific social and global issues.
The Familiar Strange
A blog. A podcast. A social fact.
The Geek Anthropologist
An anthropological approach to all things geek
bringing people back into economics
The Memory Bank
A New Commonwealth. By Keith Hart
The Naked Anthropologist
Dr Laura Agustín on Migration, Sex work, Trafficking and the Rescue Industry
The Narcissistic (American) Anthropologist
Observations by a consumer anthropologist
The past and the curious | The Guardian
Latest news and features from theguardian.com, the world's leading liberal voice
The Quartux Journal
Critical & Indigenous Anthropology & History
the twitterfly
reflections on research, academics and reality by Kerstin B Andersson
The Voyage out
Blog des Masterstudiengangs „Kulturelle Grundlagen Europas“ an der Universität Konstanz
This Anthropological Life Podcast
An Anthropology Podcast!
THoR – Taking the Humanities on the Road
a discussion of concrete ways to build bridges between academia and the public, individual research and participation, analytical and engaged scholarship
Writing on culture, cities, diaspora, history, film, prisons, colonialism, education, Marxism.
United Indian Anthropology Forum, in short called UIAF, is a unique platform for the Indian Anthropology fraternity
UK Visual Anthropology
Audio-Visual Interventions@The University of Kent
Un-Design - The Conversation
Un-Design: Analysing global cultures through design anthropology
Una antropóloga en la luna: blog de antropologÃa.
"Probably one of the most consulted anthropology blogs in Spanish"
Gesellschafts- und Glücksblog
University of Helsinki Anthropology
Goings-on of the discipline
Upward Anthropology Research Community
Turning the Ethnographic Gaze on the People, Sites, and Practices of Power - Upward Anthropology Research Community
Urban Fieldnotes
Fashion, style, and dress on the streets of Philadelphia and beyond. Street style blogging, an experiment in auto-ethnographic research and open-source fieldwork
Visual Anthropology of Japan - 日本映像人類学
Explorations and experiments in visual representations - ethnographic film, photography and visual media
Visual Ethnography
Let The Pictures Speak
Vito Laterza's Blog
Vito Laterza is an anthropologist, labour expert and political analyst interested in politics, economy and society in Africa and the West, from a global geopolitical perspective.
webpage of dr. ian m. cook
webpage of dr. ian m. cook #anthropology #india #urban #rhythm #sound
Ethnologie im Radio
Wildes Denken
Die Welt auf ethnologisch
Writing, World, and Well Being
A Platform on Anthropology, Politics and Media Adminstered by Paul Stoller
Victor Barac's applied anthropology website and blog
a blog … in the strict sense of the term …
anthropology against and after empire
انسانشناسی و فرهنگ
Anthropology and Culture - a blog from Iran in Farsi language