Thank You!
Dear Readers, Over the years, some of us (the past and present members of the collective that runs this blog) have been fortunate enough to meet some of…
Dear Readers, Over the years, some of us (the past and present members of the collective that runs this blog) have been fortunate enough to meet some of…
By Kyle B. Craig I entered academia with a certain level of naivete. During my undergraduate studies in Anthropology, I became energized by a discipline I felt was…
[Anthro{dendum} welcomes invited blogger Mckenna Bullard, a student of Lausanne Collegiate School.] Introduction to IB Social and Cultural Anthropology The International Baccalaureate Diploma Program …
Anthrodendum welcomes Aleksandra Cejovic, a Montenegrin anthropologist based in the United States whose work is focused primarily on female embodied experiences, mainly menstrual and sexual health. Se…
By Bhargabi Das I would like to begin by giving a little context of my research and my family and possibly how they overlapped over the course of…
By Bhargabi Das The summer months in the chars of western Assam, India where my ethnographic fieldwork was based, are only of respite because of the calm breeze…
By Bhargabi Das The strikes in UK by teachers made me think of the precarious life-world of teachers in a different context, somewhere more closer to home. In…
By Jonathan Walz In recent decades, people and places in India and eastern Africa have, with increased frequency and scale, been impacted by environmental disasters, population growth, magnified…
By The Black Trowel Collective To be an archaeologist is to revel in the diversity of human expression through time. Trans perspectives and voices add necessary further dimensions…
Mask discarded in naupaka, a native plant on the coast of Hawai‘i. Taken by author April 19, 2021. By Emily Creek Disclaimer: Even as I write this the…
By Adam Fleischmann The site is easy to access. Just a short walk and I’m there, immediately confronted with two large rectangular windows. The large window up high…
By Soham Govande Today, hopes are held high that the COVID-19 vaccine will gradually bring an end to the pandemic. Due to systemic health disparities, disadvantaged groups such…
Street art, Oaxaca City, Mexico. 2007. Photo: Ryan Anderson. By Louis Philippe Römer Activists, politicians, and public intellectuals have turned to the word “fascism” to analyze the intensified…
[The following students are high school seniors Class of 2021 at “KTH School.” As part of their International Baccalaureate Social and Cultural Anthropology class, they conducted a collaborative…
[The following students are high school seniors at “KTH School” taking International Baccalaureate Social and Cultural Anthropology. After their final IB exams were cancelled, they decided they would…
[The following students are high school seniors Class of 20201 at “KTH School.” As part of their International Baccalaureate Social and Cultural Anthropology class, they conducted a collaborative…
A vacant house in Wilkinsburg, PA, is reclaimed by vines and artists. Photo by Noah Theriault, 2017. Anthro{dendum} welcomes guest contributors Noah Theriault and Alex Nading. Noah is…
Anthrodendum welcomes guest blogger, V.M. Roberts, a PhD student at York University. He studies industrialization, agriculture, and the experience of machine operation from an interdisciplinary perspe…
Anthrodendum welcomes back guest blogger Christian Elliott, a recent graduate in cultural anthropology at Augustana College in Rock Island, Illinois. A College Community of (COVID) Consociated Contemp…
By Dr. Rebecca Hodges Photo by the author of her classroom in March 2020, emptied by coronavirus quarantine. When the coronavirus epidemic response made us close campus, we…
[The following students are high school seniors at “KTH School” taking International Baccalaureate Social and Cultural Anthropology. After their final IB exams were cancelled, they decided they would…
by Joelle Powe, Thea McRae, Christina Jones and Laith A. Ayogu. Screenshots from virtual meetings with authors on Google Hangouts and Zoom, taken during quarantine in various locations. Screenshot…
[The following students are high school seniors at “KTH School” taking International Baccalaureate Social and Cultural Anthropology. After their final IB exams were cancelled, they decided they would…
Anthrodendum welcomes guest blogger Dr. Caitlin E. McDonald, a digital anthropologist at Leading Edge Forum, a technology industry research organization, and a trustee for Ellpha Citizen, a charity…