#Review: Do Muslim Women Need Saving?
Lila Abu-Lughod’s book, Do Muslim Women Need Saving?, expands on her thoughts from an earlier article similarly titled. As she explains, this book is “a long answer to the…
Lila Abu-Lughod’s book, Do Muslim Women Need Saving?, expands on her thoughts from an earlier article similarly titled. As she explains, this book is “a long answer to the…
Overtuigde christenen en moslims in Nederland hebben meer met elkaar gemeen dan vaak wordt gedacht. Dit blijkt uit het proefschrift Kwetsbare vroomheid: het geloofsstreven van jonge moslims en…
Eine Replik zu „Islamisierung Europas: Nein, ich habe keine Visionen“ von Michael Ley in der Presse vom 20. 6. 2015. Wie müssen sich die Angehörigen des Islam fühlen,…
Eine Replik auf die Glosse Totschlag und Wissenschaft; sie erschien als Leserkommentar am 2./3. 5. 2015, S. 12 in der Wiener Zeitung. Selbst den dümmsten Kulturwissenschaftlern ist klar, dass die…
Unsere KollegInnen von Kobuk haben aufgezeigt, welche Folgen Falschmeldungen für die Betroffenen haben können – natürlich ging es um das Thema Islam beziehungsweise Dschihadismus : Kobuk_Die dra…
Let’s say some guy in a bar starts mouthing off against another patron’s mother. He says she’s a fat moose with a ginger beard, and it’s funny…
The Perpetually Confused Conflicts in the Middle East Attached is a recording of a lecture given to the “Thirsters” civic group in Portland, Oregon on August 7, 2014…
Will There be a Sunni-Shi’a War in the Middle East? Not Likely New America Media, News Analysis, …
This is the presentation I gave at the 2013 American Anthropological Association meeting in Chicago. Turn up on your speakers or headphones because audio is included. Enjoy!
This article first appeared in the Australian newspaper, Wednesday 7. August 2013 I am currently revising an article about my work in Malaysia with what can be described…
En muslimsk jente som deltar i begravelsen av de kristne ofre. Hun støtter venninnen sin som mistet sin bror. Foto: Lilian Wagdy, flickr Mens egypterne roper “Kristne og…
En muslimsk jente som deltar i begravelsen av de kristne ofre. Hun støtter venninnen sin som mistet sin bror. Foto: Lilian Wagdy, flickr Mens egypterne roper “Kristne og…
(via Konrads tankesmie) For tiden kjører Nettavisen i samarbeid med Hege Storhaug og Walid al-Kubaisi enda en av disse åpenbart fortsatt populære anti-islam kampanjene. Denne gangen har de…