“New Zealand’s forests were once filled with birds and their clamour: melodious songs, squawks, whirrs, squeaks, buzzing and chattering. These are the sounds of birds finding food, defending ter…

“New Zealand’s forests were once filled with birds and their clamour: melodious songs, squawks, whirrs, squeaks, buzzing and chattering. These are the sounds of birds finding food, defending ter…
“Remote from universal nature and living by complicated artifice, man in civilisation surveys animals through the glass of his knowledge and sees thereby a feather magnified and the…
Pope Francis’ encyclical, released today, has been the most anticipated papal encyclical in decades. I’ll return to it soon, but for now I’ve copied an excerpt below. It…
I’ve much to update on the site in the next few weeks, but first I thought I’d share something I’m super excited about: a new research project, funded…
I’m always trying to figure out new ways of doing remote presentations so I was pretty excited when I was invited to prepare something that could be continually…