My sabbatical officially starts in 41 hours so I thought I’d round up a few things that are on my mind…
I first learnt of Robin Wall Kimmerer‘s work from her book Braiding Sweetgrass…

My sabbatical officially starts in 41 hours so I thought I’d round up a few things that are on my mind…
I first learnt of Robin Wall Kimmerer‘s work from her book Braiding Sweetgrass…
In late September, 2019, the current US presidential administration struck several unprecedented deals with the Northern Triangle governments of Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador to return asylum s…
“Remote from universal nature and living by complicated artifice, man in civilisation surveys animals through the glass of his knowledge and sees thereby a feather magnified and the…
November 2015; I proceeded ten metres behind Ertan Abi for much of the morning, a place in which I was not directly within the firing line but could…
One of the things I planned for my sabbatical is learning how to make stop motion videos for research dissemination / public engagement. I’ve never done it before,…