It’s hard to explain to others how we do something. Anything. But it’s especially difficult to do it when much of what happens takes place in our own minds, hearts and guts, and with our o…

It’s hard to explain to others how we do something. Anything. But it’s especially difficult to do it when much of what happens takes place in our own minds, hearts and guts, and with our o…
What do you know: the summer is already gone! It feels like it was only a moment ago when we solicited contributions to our fieldwork thread, and now…
It’s the second week of winter trimester, and I’m teaching my second-year undergraduate course in Design Ethnography. The theme this year is the Anthropocene, or how design relates…
One of the things I planned for my sabbatical is learning how to make stop motion videos for research dissemination / public engagement. I’ve never done it before,…
I have a confession: there are many days when I wish I was anything but a disability researcher. I think wistfully to my high school aspirations of becoming…