Atmospheric Commons
ATMOSPHERIC COMMONS This text was jointly composed by the AIR group: Hanna Husberg, Agata Marzecova, Liu Xin, Taru Elfving, Nerea Calvillo, Adam Fish & Nicolas Maigret as part…
ATMOSPHERIC COMMONS This text was jointly composed by the AIR group: Hanna Husberg, Agata Marzecova, Liu Xin, Taru Elfving, Nerea Calvillo, Adam Fish & Nicolas Maigret as part…
I’ve been in a lot of hot water. I have been beaten by sharp leaves and acorn-laced oak branches in Kyrgyzstan, abused by a drunk masseuse in a…
Lately, when I have the pleasure of walking in the stacks of a regal, well-stocked, old library, and am in a devious mood, I imagine I am an…
It is a joke. I agree that the Sokal Squared project is ambitious in its scope to the point of being mean-spirited. Their findings are easy fodder for…
I had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. John Postill about his new book, The Rise of Nerd Politics (Pluto Press). Remember us? We used to be called Savage…
Many libertarians in Silicon Valley are advocates for permissionless innovation. They eschew waiting around for permission from a nanny state. They are impatient and see themselves above the…
In recent article, Drone Capitalism, author Michael Richardson makes a number of expected and acceptable oversights in recent scholarship on UAVs. I tend to be rough with it…
Drones sense from afar and see from a distance. They go where people can go but won’t because of cost to life or capital. Piloting precariously above coral…
Recently, I enrolled in two multi-day training workshops in the United Kingdom with the pretense of gathering ethnographic data about emergent cultures of practice surrounding new technologies. The…
Deemed the “Great firewall of Cameron”, UK Prime Minister has since 2013 aggressively pursued web censorship in the UK. Without transparent and democratic processes enacted, the government has…
[extract from keynote at the Mobile Life Centre, University of Stockholm, March 17, 2016] Its the summer of 2015 and I am on a former Naval Air Force…
Politicians have turned their sights on encryption once more following terrorist outrages in Paris and San Bernardino, California. A country that once welcomed encryption, France is now considering…
A search for “anthropology” in the Snowden Surveillance Archive results in two hits. Both documents were created and presented by the UK GCHQ’s Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group…
[written with Luca Follis, Lancaster University] Activists who use technology to conduct political dissent – hacktivists – are increasingly threatened with investigation, prosecution and often disprop…
In the film Elysium, the ultra-rich have left an apocalyptic Earth ravaged by global warming and overpopulation. Their utopian colony orbits high above Earth which festers below. Science…