Writing Life No. 20: An Interview with Emma Kowal by Carina Truyts
Figure 1: Emma Kowal writing her thesis in 2006 with 7-month old Maya in Darwin, Australia. Image: supplied. One evening in December 2021, in a small South African…
Figure 1: Emma Kowal writing her thesis in 2006 with 7-month old Maya in Darwin, Australia. Image: supplied. One evening in December 2021, in a small South African…
It’s a common adage, following Lévi-Strauss, that “food is good to think with.” A class assignment that includes food-centred ethnographic presentations expands the scope of such thinking into…
[1000 days] of focus and intense care in order to ‘secure’ infants’ future health, [6 months] of exclusive breastfeeding. These brackets of time demarcate periods of intense focus…