International Sociology Of The Arab Uprisings
The latest issue of the journal International Sociology features three articles on the Egyptian revolution, as well as a couple of other articles on the Arab uprisings generally.…
The latest issue of the journal International Sociology features three articles on the Egyptian revolution, as well as a couple of other articles on the Arab uprisings generally.…
Perhaps the most interesting aspect of Words of Witness, Mai Iskander’s compelling account of the aftermath of Egypt’s 2011 revolution in Tahrir Square that led to the resignation…
Karim Hamdy was arrested at his home and turned up dead in a police station less than 72 hours later. This photograph circulated widely on Twitter. “Violence and…
When people keep getting warnings but nothing ever happens… they just start ignoring them. One of the interesting things about living as an expatriate in Egypt and India…
Of course “foreign hands” seek to influence Egyptian politics. The question is: are they succeeding? Yes but not always the ways they want to, suggests a series of…
I have a chapter in this new book on the Egyptian revolution. In 2012 I traveled to Oxford University to participate in an interdisciplinary conference on the Egyptian…
Was Hosni Mubarak a savvy politician who played the Bush administration? A new analysis says “yes.” Whatever one wants to say about Hosni Mubarak, one has to acknowledge…
What is the difference between people who live in a nation state as members with rights and responsibilities, and those who live there without accepting such rights and…
In Egypt, President Hosni Mubarak notoriously was anything but sophisticated in his understanding of social media. Seeing it as a toy available only to an educated and relatively…
Sizes of some 30,000 companies traded publicly on US markets from 1950-2009, measured by their sales (controlling for inflation and GDP growth). The relatively rapid growth of smaller…
In September I will be one of the keynote speakers at a conference in Aalborg, Denmark on the Muhammad Cartoon Controversy. We’re looking for people to join us.…
Why didn’t the 2011 uprisings lead to democratization? That’s the question posed by articles in a special issue of the journal Democratization. Photo Credit: tolkien1914 via Compfight cc…
“Pathways of Post-Uprising States” according to Ray Hinnebusch’s article in the most recent issue of the journal Democratization. Democratization theory–a continually developin…