Anthropology & Open Access
Open Access Logo, Anthropology and open access or “open anthropology” – selected resources, interviews and com…
Open Access Logo, Anthropology and open access or “open anthropology” – selected resources, interviews and com…
A list of anthropology blogs collected by Jason Antrosio of “Living Anthropologically”: Including the new anthropology grou…
Budka, P. (2018). [Review of the book Digital environments: Ethnographic perspectives across global online and offline spaces, by U. U. Frömming, S. Köhn, S. Fox & M. Terry].…
In 2017, the lecture “Introduction to Cultural and Social Anthropology” at the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology of the University of Vienna is organized by Philipp Budka,…
Budka, P. (2017). Internet for remote First Nation communities in Northwestern Ontario. Paper at “3rd CoRe Workshop – Mobility and Remoteness: What is the Connection?“, Vienna, Austr…
Seminar “Indigenous Media” for the MA Program in Visual and Media Anthropology at the Free University Berlin. Course Description “Indigenous media matters because indigenous people d…
Budka, P. 2017. Medien und Literalität in der Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie: (Digitale) Medienpraktiken aus kulturvergleichender Perspektive. Vortrag im Workshop “Dark Side of Literacy”…
Free video (& audio) analysis and transcription tools, partly collected via the VISCOM list serv. AQUAD 7 is a software for qualitative coding and qualitative content analysis. ELAN…
Anthropologies of Media and Mobility: Theorizing movement and circulations across entangled fields An International Workshop organized by the Anthropology and Mobility Network and the Media Anthropolo…
This is a selection of digital visual anthropology resources which were collected via the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA) Visual Anthropology Network’s (VANEASA) mailing li…
Digital ethnography – a selection of resources e-Seminars of the EASA Media Anthropology Network: Facebook as research field and research platform:…
Peter van der Veer (2013: 11) on the “comparative advantage of anthropology”: 1) anthropology offers a critique of the universalization of Western models 2) holistic approach to social…
from The Huffington Post: The White House designated two new national monuments on Wednesday, one in Utah and the other in Nevada, that will protect important Native American…
From by B. Kahle: … On November 9th in America, we woke up to a new administration promising radical chan…
Budka, P. (2017). [Review of the book Handbuch der Medienethnographie, by C. Bender & M. Zillinger]. Paideuma. Mitteilungen zur Kulturkunde, 63, 303-307. Der Sammelband „Handbuch der Medienethnog…
Vorlesung “Visuelle Anthropologie in Zeiten zunehmender Digitalisierung“, Wintersemester 2016/17, am Institut für Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie der Universität Wien Philipp Budka Ziele D…
Diese Concept Map visualisiert die wesentlichsten Punkte einer “Ethnographie des Cyberspace” nach Ackermann (2000). “Für die Ethnologie sind die sozialen Phänomene des Cyberspace ins…
Budka, P. 2016. Reflections on media anthropology’s legacies and concerns (in digital times). Paper at “14th EASA Biennial Conference”, Milan: University of Milano-Bicocca, 20-23 Jul…
Report on EASA Media Anthropology Network activities at the 14th EASA Biennial Conference, Milan, 20-23 July 2016 by Philipp Budka 1) EASA Media Anthropology Network Meeting (21 July…
Again, I have the pleasure to teach the Seminar “Indigenous Media” for the MA Program in Visual and Media Anthropology at the Free University Berlin. Find below a…
The EASA Media Anthropology Network’s panel “Media anthropology’s legacies and concerns” at the 14th European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA) conference in Milan (20-23 July, 2016) …
Theorising Media and Conflict Editors: John Postill (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT)) Philipp Budka (University of Vienna) Birgit Bräuchler (Monash University) In a recent survey of th…
Here is a list of panels at the 14th European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA) Biennial Conference entitled “Anthropological legacies and human futures” (Milan, 20-23 July 2016, #EASA2016)…
Budka, P., Schallert, C., Mader, E. 2011. Interactive technology enhanced learning for social science students. In M. E. Auer & M. Huba (Eds.), Proceedings 14th International Conference on…