Working Hard or Hardly Working? Reflections on Ethnographic Fieldwork in Tourism
By Mari-Elina Ekoluoma I have on many occasions felt a need to ponder upon the tension between the concepts of “work” and “leisure”. This is certainly not something…
By Mari-Elina Ekoluoma I have on many occasions felt a need to ponder upon the tension between the concepts of “work” and “leisure”. This is certainly not something…
By Anna Baral Take a woman anthropologist, an online social network and a President who has stayed in power thirty years. Take a country whose governance has been…
av Christer Lindberg Det förmodligen mest udda inslaget på årets SANT-konferens i Stockholm var nog min presentation av fotoboken New York’s Raven (Transco-Script, Malmö 2017) under sektionen nya…
av Kristina Helgesson Kjellin I Skärholmens kyrkorum finns det ett sidoaltare, eller ett Mariaaltare, något som inte är vanligt i en protestantisk tradition, men som är desto vanligare…