Harry Pettit: Theft, resistance, and the struggle over cash circulation in Beirut’s platform economy
In October 2023, I sat with Hameed in a café in Hamra in Beirut, nearby his flat. He had just collected his salary, a stack of green 100,000…
In October 2023, I sat with Hameed in a café in Hamra in Beirut, nearby his flat. He had just collected his salary, a stack of green 100,000…
I encountered the phrase ‘in Kigali, life is expensive’ everywhere during my 15 months of fieldwork within the tech ecosystem of Rwanda. Official government figures stated that the…
Cuba is currently facing one of its most severe economic crises in decades. The island nation is contending with the compounded effects of a global pandemic, tightening U.S.…
After a period of relatively low inflation in many economies in the Global North, inflation has once again become a major world concern. The COVID-19 pandemic, which disrupted…
Every two weeks I am going to feature one of the chapters of our Handbook on Humanitarianism and Inequality which was published in spring 2024. This week we…
“Why do most of the paintings speak of war?” Dima, barely nine-year-old, asked me. This summer, as my Royal Jordanian […] The post Of Home and Ghosts: Notes…
Laura López-Sanders‘ The Manufacturing of Job Displacement is an ethnographic study examining how racial capitalism shapes labour inequality in a company based in South Carolina, US. Though lim…
An anthropologist takes a critical eye to a long-running holiday tradition: a U.S. military mission that drops toys and supplies throughout Micronesia. ✽ On a balmy December morning…
Somatosphere welcomes you to the first part of December edition of “In the Journals.” Scroll through our monthly round up of new research across anthropology, STS and social…
In 1980, Charles Wetli—a Miami-based medical examiner and self-proclaimed “cult expert” of Afro-Caribbean religions—identified what he called “excited delirium syndrome.” Soon, medical examiners began using the syndrome regularly…
”Björ-nen so-ver, björ-nen so-ver i sitt lug-na bo.” Björnen är stor, mäktig och lurvig – och vanligare i berättelser än den är i skogen. I alla fall upplever…
War forced millions of Syrians from their homes. It also forced them to rethink the meaning of home itself. In 2011, Syrians took to the streets demanding freedom.…
As a growing area of inquiry in STS, maintenance studies brings two critical insights to the post-Actor Network Theory (ANT) landscape. First, relations are not a state of…
APLA Book Prize in Critical Anthropology recognizes work that best exemplifies creativity and rigor in the ethnographic exploration of politics, law, and/or … More
https://www.rutgersuniversitypress.org/between-self-and-community/9781978831384/ Hyemin Lee: Your book wonderfully illustrates the encounters between globally dominant socialization ideologies…
Read Time:8 Minute, 6 Second «Nunca me había sentido tan sola y humillada. Esa noche mientras mi empleadora dormía hui de su casa, pasé…
Black African women in former colonial centers such as London gesture to subversive ways of communicating with those imprisoned in archives across generations. ✽ despite the Maangamizi,( Maangamizi…
The Ethnographer’s Way: A Handbook for Multidimensional Research Design (Duke UP, 2024) guides researchers through the exciting process of turning an initial idea into an in-depth research project. Kristin…
To understand elders’ experiences of aging in place, sociologist Stacy Torres spent five years with longtime New York City residents as they coped with health setbacks, depression, gentrification,…
Wer sich Russland unterwirft, der soll mit “Frieden” belohnt werden. Wer für proeuropäische Parteien stimmt, dem drohe das Schicksal der Ukraine. Also Krieg. So schürte die prorussische Partei…
Denne høstens klimadebatt har blitt preget av økonomen Øystein Sjølies avvisning av at vi behøver å bekymre oss nevneverdig for klimaendringene. Han er ingen «klimarealist» eller «klimafornekter», og…
Vad betyder det att ”knacka i trä”? Att knacka i trä är något som görs för att avvärja otur. Det här sker oftast i relation till att man…
Graphic Gastronomy Bandes Dessinées, Comics, Mangas and Food Cultures through History 15th Conference of the European Institute for the History and Culture of Food 3 – 5 December…
By Suchismita Das, Assistant Professor, Ahmedabad University, India Late in the night of 3rd October 2023, the moraine holding the South Lhonak Glacial Lake in place, at 17,300…