How and When Did Humans First Move Into the Pacific?
New archaeological research reveals insights into the first-known seafarers to brave ocean crossings from Asia to the Pacific Islands more than 50,000 years ago. This article was originally…
New archaeological research reveals insights into the first-known seafarers to brave ocean crossings from Asia to the Pacific Islands more than 50,000 years ago. This article was originally…
Meaningful Mealtimes Human and nonhuman lives may have first become closely entangled with the rise of agriculture as we raised both animals to eat and other animals that…
How are America’s family farms disappearing at such a rapid rate, and what does this mean for the future of our food, families, and rural identity? In this…
“El hombre no es un ovni venido de una lejana galaxia; el hombre es un poema tejido con la niebla del amanecer, con el color de las flores,…
Hate speech is not innocent. On May 5, 2024, a man entered a hotel room in Barracas, Argentina, where two lesbian couples lived and set it on fire.…
The exhibition launches on December 6 and presents a series of curatorial responses to current debates. Drew Kerr: I’m so excited you’ve taken this time to discuss Sovereign Attachments! It sits as one among, now, a number of urgent book-…
Depletion by Shirin Rai considers the hidden costs of care work, exposing its unequal gendered and racialised distribution across society. Presenting depletion as an innovative way to conceptualise…
Film Screening & Discussion with Director Nafis Fathollahzadeh Khabur 30′28 November, 13:30 CET Nafis Fathollahzadeh & Şermin Güven AllegraKino presents […] The post ALLEGRA KINO a…
A poet-historian reflects on women’s labor carrying memories and the past. ✽ memory is a washerwoman who knows that when the blood is poisoned, you have to slaughter…
How do we confront difference and change in a rapidly shifting environment? Many indigenous peoples are facing this question in their daily lives. Sensing Others: Voicing Batek Ethical Lives…
Conducting field research in the Global South comes with its own challenges in various stages: pre-field, during fieldwork, and post-fieldwork. […] The post Introduction: Conducting Ethnographic…
When the last 36 inhabitants of St Kilda, 40 miles west of the Scottish Hebrides, were evacuated in 1930, the archipelago at ‘the edge of the world’ lost…
Wladimir Putin hat mit seiner Relativierung und Rechtfertigung des Paktes zwischen Stalin und Hitler international für Aufsehen gesorgt. Für die Staaten Ostmitteleuropas und insbesondere für Polen sin…
In 2019, my friend and colleague Grant Otsuki started experimenting with Generative AI (GenAI) – GPT-2 by OpenAI – to see how well it did at writing an…
“[45] In India there are wild asses as large as horses, or even larger. Their body is white, their head dark red, their eyes bluish, and they have a…
Dette hjartesukket høyrer vi ofte i framandspråksklasserommet. Det lette svaret er «fordi eg seier det», men veldig pedagogisk er det ikkje, akkurat. Så korleis kan vi språklærarar forklare…
It’s a cold early-winter morning in South Brooklyn. The streets are empty. My friend Gabe explains that it’s only a […] The post The Social Act we call…
Fotograma de “Warm Bodies” (2013) Resum de la intervenció a les I Jornades Participació-Acció. El límits de l’arquitectura i l’urbanisme en la producció de l’espai, València 24-25 de…
ISBN 9780593298589 Viking Books / Penguin Random House “I refuse to live in a worl…
Door Luka Hendrickx. Begin september fiets ik voor het eerst sinds ik het veldwerk voor mijn scriptieonderzoek afrondde de Polder weer binnen. Daarmee wordt in België de streek…
Don’t Panic! How to Fight Fascism as an Archaeologist
Att medvetet tappa den mänskliga kroppen på blod är en mångtusenårig praktik. Genom åren har dock benämningarna och framför allt syftena ändrats. Framstegen som den moderna människan har…
Podcast with Caro Caduff, Professor in the Department of Global Health and Social Medicine, King’s College London, in conversation with Shagufta Bhangu, Lecturer in the Department of Global…