The century of pandemics. A conversation with Mark Honigsbaum
Medical historian Mark Honigsbaum speaks of a “century of pandemics” that stretches from the Spanish flu of 1918 to our Corona-related present. In an interview with Philipp Sarasin,…
Medical historian Mark Honigsbaum speaks of a “century of pandemics” that stretches from the Spanish flu of 1918 to our Corona-related present. In an interview with Philipp Sarasin,…
Interview by Yeon-Ju Bae https://www.rutgersuniversitypress.org/speech-and-song-at-the-margins-of-global-health/9780813597713 Yeon-Ju Bae: How did you become interested in the South African gospel ch…
Prisoners’ Round by Vincent Van Gogh via wikimedia Welcome back to In the Journals! My name is Ally, I am a graduate student beginning a Master’s in Anthropology at…
Inmitten der Corona-Pandemie steckt die Weltgesundheitsorganisation WHO in der Krise. Ihr Schicksal hängt davon ab, ob sich die wohlhabendsten Staaten der Erde zu einem nachhaltigen Engagement für die…
Die Vereinten Nationen wollen der Erkrankung Aids bis 2030 weltweit ein Ende bereiten. Ist das realistisch? Ein Blick auf die Bundesrepublik offenbart Hindernisse, die dem wünschenswerten Ziel „Kein…
This entry is part 13 of 13 in the Decolonizing Anthropology series. By Nokuthula Hlabangane “Modernity will never again, up to the present, ask existentially or philosophically for…
To mark the publication of Public Anthropology: Engaging Social Issues in the Modern World, the author, Edward J. Hedican, provides us with a few thoughts on the impetus…
A summary of the third day of the World STI and HIV congress in Brisbane, Australia. Read on… Tuesday, 15 September 2015 Plenary Talks today were delivered by Raphael Valdivia, Jane Hocking,…
A summary of the second day of the World STI and HIV congress in Brisbane, Australia. Read on… Morning Session on Publishing and Grant Writing for early career…
The World STI and HIV congress and Australasian HIV and AIDS conference are happening back to back this week. Delegates have come from all around the world to attend…
The Joint World STI & HIV & ASHM Congress starts on Sunday 13 September 2015 at the Brisbance Convention Centre! That’s today (in local time)!!! It is the first time the International So…
Rezension zu: Johanna Taylor Crane 2013 Scrambling for Africa: AIDS, Expertise, and the Rise of American Global Health Science. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press Johanna Crane beschreibt…