Trouble at the (academic paper) mill
Article numbers and rejections are ‘up’. I tried to explain what I see as the current trend in journal-editor-land and wrote this to reassure a colleague that ‘its…
Article numbers and rejections are ‘up’. I tried to explain what I see as the current trend in journal-editor-land and wrote this to reassure a colleague that ‘its…
I. Introduction In 2010 India found itself mired in a medical crisis of diplomatic proportions. The crisis was precipitated by a paper (Kumaraswamy et al 2010) published in…
For Dear Life: Art, Medicine and Disability, Museum of Contemporary Art, San Diego (MCASD), September 19, 2024 – February 2, 2025 Cuts thumb and finger on a table…
Having already spent a month in Armenia, I uttered the usual “Barev Dzez ” [“hello” in Armenian] with confidence as I entered the Yandex taxi car. This magic…
Since 2019, a growing group of “anti-natalist” activists have been used as a foil to demonstrate rising anxieties regarding future prospects of life on earth. Writing for the…
Eugene Raikhel, Founder of Somatosphere Dörte Bemme: Tell me a little bit about Somatosphere’s origin story. How did it all begin? Eugene Raikhel: The website was launched in…
Following a day-long, company-wide “workplace culture” workshop for a Silicon Valley startup that creates and oversees mental health care chatbots (pseudonym: The Startup), I find myself sitting on…
Most of us probably feel well-schooled in the nature of respiratory viruses after a blistering global pandemic and frequent news items of the latest outbreak of another strain…
Ethnicity and Identities in Iran: Progress and Equality Kameel Ahmady Social Anthropologist, University of Kent, MA in Social Anthropology Abstract With worldwide progress, development and diversifica…
Paper presented at the 13th Eurasian Conferences on Language and Social Sciences (P591-624) Hosted by Daugavpils University, LATVIA February 5 – 6, 2022 A Peace-Oriented Investigation of the…
Paper presented at the 13th Eurasian Conferences on Language and Social Sciences (P40-71) Hosted by Daugavpils University, LATVIA February 5 – 6, 2022 Ethnic Claims in Iran in…
Background and consequences of scavenging: A study on child scavenging in Tehran and its suburbs Kameel Ahmady Abstract Children in Tehran are engaged in various forms of labour,…
Gender differences in child labour: A systematic review of causes, forms, features and consequences Kameel Ahmady Introduction Child labour has been a cause of concern in many social,…
Presented at the 2nd International Eurasian Conferences on Educational and Social Studies Hosted by The Polytechnic of Guarda PORTUGAL August 27 – 28, 2022 Traces of Childhood Exploitation…
Paper presented at the 13th Eurasian Conferences on Language and Social Sciences (P561-583) Hosted by Daugavpils University, LATVIA February 5 – 6, 2022 Exploitation and Exclusion A Socio-Cultu…
Paper presented at the 14th Eurasian Conference on Language and Social Sciences (P 376-392) Hosted by University of Gjakova‘Fehmi Agani, KOSOVO The Nexus Between Temporary Marriage and Early…
Paper presented at the 14th Eurasian Conference on Language and Social Sciences (P 229-246) Hosted by University of Gjakova‘Fehmi Agani, KOSOVO Feminisation of Poverty: The Cause and Consequences…
Book Chapter (Temporary and Child Marriages in Iran and Afghanistan) Chapter 3 (P 63-84) The Role of Temporary Marriage (TM) in Promoting Early Child Marriage (ECM) in Iran…
Narratives and minority: Stories from lesbian, gay and bisexual individuals in Iran And an overview on the prevalence of Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual (LGB) in Iran Kameel Ahmady…
3RD INTERNATIONAL KURDISH STUDIES CONFERENCE Shifting Dynamics of the Kurdistan Question in a Changing Middle East Middlesex University | London, UK 25th – 26 th June 2019 (P…
In the Name of Tradition. Female Genital Mutilation in Iran See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Chapter · August 202…
THE CHANGING PARADIGMS OF FGM Country Report on Female Genital Mutilation/ Cutting (FGM/C) in Iran With an introduction to Male Circumcision / Male Genital Mutilation (MGM/C) in Iran…
In the Name of Traditions: A Comprehensive Study on the Impact of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) on Women and Girls An Overview of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in…
A Peace-Oriented Investigation of the Ethnic Identity Challenge in Iran (A Study of Five Iranian Ethnic Groups with the GT Method) Kameel Ahmady Abstract In the contemporary era,…