Special Issue: Robinson Crusoe
Free to download in 2023. Click the TOC below and download each as a PDF or EPUB from T&R. #robinson #crusoe #Journal of Postcolonial Writing
Free to download in 2023. Click the TOC below and download each as a PDF or EPUB from T&R. #robinson #crusoe #Journal of Postcolonial Writing
On Time. My teacher and friend Don Miller passed away last month. We had published his book “Time and Time Again” in 2022. His memorial is on the…
Tzanelli disturbs the normative premises on which much tourism and hospitality research are predicated to make space for imaginations whereby the represented can manage their representations, a…
I was asked yesterday how I might explain the attraction of current right wing ideas and autocracy…: >> How do you explain the attraction of current right wing…
In Rebuilding Community: Displaced Women and the Making of a Shia Ismaili Muslim Sociality, Shenila Khoja-Moolji recounts how Ismaili women, displaced from East Pakistan and East Africa in the 1970s,…
‘On 21 January 1936, a prospectus presenting the Cahiers de Contre-Attaque was published; this leaflet announced the forthcoming issue of a Cahier devoted to Nietzsche with the following…
Apologies for writing what is not even a think piece, it is a bit raw: but I first got to know Don Miller at a series of astonishing…
Seen in the wild in India//purchased with rupees by a close friend from a close friend who runs a bookstall – I notice the cover has with a…
Image: Officers from the Malaysian Ministry of Home Affairs raiding Toko Buku Rakyat in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (Peoples Dispatch) ~~~~ VIA Leftword: https://mayday.leftword.com/blog/post/b…
After 27 years… The Rumour of Calcutta: Tourism, Charity and the Poverty of Representation. Publication Day! This is the 30 year anniversary edition (well, 27 years) finally out…
If you have not had a chance to get with this big (coffee table) book – even if sometimes the aesthetic overrides the political – there is no…
This book forum brings together seven scholars and artists to discuss Todd Meyers’s All That Was Not Her (Duke 2022). A profoundly introspective and original book, All That Was…
Leçons d’un siècle de vie. Morin, Edgar. 2022. Paris: Pluriel. Edgar Morin is probably the most influential French sociologist that the English-speaking world has never acknowledge…
Here are some pieces that I want to read but almost definitely will not get around to. Perhaps you will have better luck? Sean Kingston has an amazing book…
27 22 years ago my first book was typeset and laid out in the days before electronics – well, an electric typesetting machine was plugged into a wall,…
Graeber, David. 2023. Pirate Enlightenment, Or the real Libertalia. London: Allen Lane. In this entertaining book, the world of early eighteenth century Madagascar piracy, and the women they…
Did I mention the yellow cover version out with Aakar books in India? https://www.aakarbooks.com/details.php?bid=875 https://www.aakarbooks.com/details.php?bid=875
Because I was looking for it online and could not see the contents pages, here are some rough snaps.
Most interesting post of the day, and by far, has been this attached article on Bhagat Singh and anarchism, shifting to socialism. A few points fist though. I…
Note to a friend (also to me as placemarker): The Manifesto translation we have now seems pretty good, though I like the very first one in English in 1850, I…
Crikey, would you have paid 35 grand (in 2017) for just parts one and two of the original Robinson – this was missing the third part. Bargain at…
The full wraparound cover: https://www.aakarbooks.com/details.php?bid=875
In the updated 1844 edition of the Voyage of the Beagle, Darwin offers his view on political systems (as indeed many do about the acephalous societies of South…