Marx Trot Sunday August 14, 2016 #Marx #walkingtourlondon
This year the Marx Trot is planned for August 14, 2016 Meet 1pm Archway Tube. bring enthusiasm, vox pop speechifying, money for drinks, drinks, sunscreen (we hope we…
This year the Marx Trot is planned for August 14, 2016 Meet 1pm Archway Tube. bring enthusiasm, vox pop speechifying, money for drinks, drinks, sunscreen (we hope we…
The European Union is now to be written as a postscript. Thanks to British voters, who were given an extremely rare chance to have a say on one…
“Proletarian” has acquired many layers of meaning over the centuries, possibly in part because the many, historically changing situations of proletarians became more complex. Since the advent of…
To mark the publication of Global Inequality, the first book in UTP’s new Anthropological Insights series, author Kenneth McGill explains the process of writing a book about inequality…
At dinner one night, I made two fatal social errors in rapid succession. First, during casual conversation with two good friends, I began talking about American culture. Not…
Having seen almost all of Michael Moore’s films to date, I have no difficulty in applauding “Where to Invade Next” as his best film yet. I may have…
Referring to industrial pollution as the anthropocene lets the polluters off the hook. It has gone on some time now, so as the word isn’t going away its…
Let’s say you are starting a startup and today you are standing in front of a venture capitalist. With impatience in his voice, the VC says, “Tell me again…
“Half-head”: this signifies a way of approaching problems that involves efficient thinking, where efficiency comes from an intensely selective focus. A half-headed approach could be a combination of…
Yet another parenting article popped up in my Facebook feed this week. Not a How-To parenting article, which is annoying enough, but a You’re-Doing-Everything-Wrong parenting article. Generation X’s…
Prologue: Pope Francis and Zhang Taiyan 章太炎 On 16 June 2015, Pope Francis published Laudato Si’ (Be Praised), an encyclical letter on climate change tellingly subtitled “On Care…
This is a story of women who invoke another woman’s psychosomatic distress to make a case for the green good life and its possibilities. Hailing from a northern…
One hears a lot of exuberant talk these days about the futures of work. Offices will go away, we’re told, or be significantly scaled back as employees work…
This very good review by Bruce Williams in Film-Philosophy. of Ewa Mazierska and Lars Kristensen (eds.) (2014) Marx at the Movies: Revisiting History, Theory and Practice, London: Palgrave Macmillan.…
I recently read a Twitter post which asserted that interdisciplinarity was never a meeting of equals. As an anthropologist working outside of an academic department I met this…
MESSAGE TO READER FROM THE AUTHOR: Below is a summary of Karl Marx’s theorizations of dialectics and historical materialism that I put together. What I review is the…
Jason Moore speaking on his new book from Verso. There is also an interesting review of the book here at New Inquiry. A short description from Verso: “Finance.…
I’m trying a new strategy at work to raise my oomph and improve my legit appeal. I’m no slouch when it comes to sparring about ideas, concepts and…
This post is part of the Modes of Production feature moderated and edited by Patrick Neveling and Joe Trapido. From the sixteenth century onward, European trading networks grew…
We all know money grows on trees so why should we change… So lets pretend the Paris agreement went much further than it ever could in the quest…
We all know money grows on trees so why should we change… So lets pretend the Paris agreement went much further than it ever could in the quest…
We all know money grows on trees so why should we change… So lets pretend the Paris agreement went much further than it ever could in the quest…
At work I’m not employed as an anthropologist. Not directly anyway; my skills in research and higher education certainly helped…