Top Thematic Series
In the run-up to the holiday season we invite you to sit back, relax, and enjoy some of our most popular content this year. We are continually on…
In the run-up to the holiday season we invite you to sit back, relax, and enjoy some of our most popular content this year. We are continually on…
In the run-up to the holiday season we invite you to sit back, relax, and enjoy some of our most popular content this year. We are continually on…
Examining Boundaries in Adolescent Birth in Mexico Adolescents as reproducers are often considered a problematic category because of their paradoxical duality as children who have babies. For women ou…
Humanizing Birth in Bahia, Brazil Big changes in birth care are underway in Brazil. Excessive rates of cesarean section delivery and persistently high maternal mortality have inspired a…
Rumors, Threats and C-Sections in Rural Yucatan. Veronica Miranda, U Kentucky. Series Introduction by Eliza Williamson and Mounia El Kotni. Introduction Eliza Williamson Mounia El Kotni In her…