In the Time of the Dinosaurs: Paleontological Affect
By Daniel Allen Solomon § In Timefulness (2018), geologist Marcia Bjornerud argues that one of the key problems of the contemporary historical moment, the so-called Anthropocene, is “time…
By Daniel Allen Solomon § In Timefulness (2018), geologist Marcia Bjornerud argues that one of the key problems of the contemporary historical moment, the so-called Anthropocene, is “time…
By Maira Hayat, Stanford University § In 2015, local elections were held in Pakistan, ten years after the previous ones in 2005 during General Pervez Musharraf’s military rule.…
By Hannah Eisler Burnett, University of Chicago § This is a photo essay about the way people cultivate visions of speculative territory and historical landscapes. But in southern…
By Talia Gordon, University of Chicago § A future full of possibilities starts by drinking pure quality water – Nestlé “Pure Life®” Bottled Water In October 2018, Mayor…
By Allison Kendra, Stanford University § Its leaves burst forth slowly from thin, shrubby branches. Every three months they mature, every three months they are pulled by hard-working…
By Gebby Keny, Rice University § Blue Carbon Muddy boots on the shore of Wah Ohn beach. Photo by author. “The trick is to step with your right…
By John K. Millhauser, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, North Carolina State University § Aztec-period pottery in the ploughed fields of the former bed of Lake Xaltocan. Photo:…
By Julia Sizek, University of California at Berkeley § Joshua Tree National Park regularly ranks as the National Park with the second-worst air quality, but its pollution is…
By William Voinot-Baron, University of Wisconsin at Madison § For several weeks after midsummer arrives along the lower Kuskokwim River, even as the days begin to shorten, the…
By Hannah Eisler Burnett and Sonia Grant, University of Chicago § This sub-series emerged from a double session at the 2018 American Anthropological Association (AAA) Annual Meeting in…
By Elaine Gan, New York University § H. G. Wells’ 1895 novel introduced us to a modernist conception of a time machine, a humanmade device that renders time…
Søby Brunkulslejer, Danmark. Photo by Colin Hoag for the Brown Coal Research Team (AURA: Aarhus University Research on the Anthropocene). Ecological processes unfold in unstable coordination. The phen…