Richard Francis Burton
Note to self to transpose my ppt slides on Richard Burton into a text since he is problematic enough to take a place alongside The Victorians (Tylor, Spencer,…
Note to self to transpose my ppt slides on Richard Burton into a text since he is problematic enough to take a place alongside The Victorians (Tylor, Spencer,…
Vale Michael Leunig To honour Leunig’s art, you could do worse than to read The Curly Pyjama Letters:…
Epicurus and good coffee. Notes are a habititual mode of reading to help me push my thoughts through the pages, but its the pages that are the pleasure.…
check <here> if you can get it free or write me an mail for a copy.
This comment on the British Left was buried I guess, but had cause to think of it again today: “…the Left collapsed under the weight of a sectarian…
From: (1846) Course of lectures on dramatic art and literature. Translated by John Black. Revised, according to the last German ed. by A.J.W. Morrison.
Read more here: The_chapatti_story_how_hybridity_as_theoDownload
Comparison rebooted as participatory research did not quite take off as a turn (not only through lack of time and funds) but thankfully it is still bubbling away…
… Skillset work needed. Cadre who can scuba dive so as to cut the fibre optic cables providing internet to elite islands; Cadre who can reprogram delivery drones…
#circa 1995. From the look of Daniel I knew that he had been away too long. -Maaaate, how are… His cutting off grunt and wave of shaky hand…
Muchly enjoying the new translation into English of Capital Volume one [1867] 1872 (second edition). I am learning a lot from the near 150 pages of new introductory…
the_devil_s_party 2008 Hutnyk ChapterDownload the_devil_s_party (1)Download First Sentence Marx’s own copy of Kapital, page one N+7
Walter Benjamin could be the Johnny Cash of social theory… Vincente Raphael had posted this relic from the Benjamin archive – a note on Marx which Benjamin wrote…
Max Ernst (1891-1976)- Die ganze Stadt // aka Die versteinerte Stadt // The Entire City – Paintings from circa 1934-37. Is this Max anticipating Marston mats? The earliest…
A horse goes into a bar… Bartender: “you’re in here pretty often. Do you think you might be an alcoholic?” Horse “I don’t think I am” – and…
Dr Ken Fero ISSH2024 Session B12 An Obstinate Memory. Presented at Ton Duc Thang University on 27 July 2024, 3rd International Conference on Innovations in the Social Sciences…
So many great lines of parody and insight: “Did anyone ask John F. Kennedy if he … ate potatoes every night”. Excellent soundtrack… I am interested to discuss…
Just out – Fero, K., & Hutnyk, J. (2024). Obstinate Memory: A Radical Participatory Film-Based Research Approach. Cultural Studies Critical Methodologies, 0(0).…
Some video of the 1970 Moratorium in Melbourne . This starts with JIm Cairns setting out some rules of engagement for when the crowd reaches the intersection opposite…
A friend is in India and I am vicariously planning tours that would take more time than anyone has… I recently – well 3 years ago – read…
Just a few of a growing collection to accompany the article here – these are the ones that did not fit in the article in Inter Asia Cultural…
This is a postprint of the article – The Version of Record of this manuscript has been published and is available in Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, 2024, at…