Screenshots of the Field: Viral Loads and the Contagious Potentials of Digital Ethnography
Over the course of the past six months, I have been actively doing fieldwork on HIV care in Turkey on Zoom. Believe it or not, for an anxious…
Over the course of the past six months, I have been actively doing fieldwork on HIV care in Turkey on Zoom. Believe it or not, for an anxious…
Long before South Africa was hit by Covid-19, youth living with HIV identified stigma as one of the major challenges they face every day. In my ongoing qualitative…
Prisoners’ Round by Vincent Van Gogh via wikimedia Welcome back to In the Journals! My name is Ally, I am a graduate student beginning a Master’s in Anthropology at…
In 2012, the first PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) drugs came onto the market, poised to revolutionize the field of HIV prevention. ‘The Pill’ promised to usher in a kind…
(English version see blow) picture: WHO/ВОЗ В связи с этой датой хотелось бы обратить внимание на один аспект эпидемия ВИЧ инфекции в России, который еще недостаточно изучен и мало…
A summary of the second day of the World STI and HIV congress in Brisbane, Australia. Read on… Morning Session on Publishing and Grant Writing for early career…
The Joint World STI & HIV & ASHM Congress starts on Sunday 13 September 2015 at the Brisbance Convention Centre! That’s today (in local time)!!! It is the first time the International So…
Rezension zu: Johanna Taylor Crane 2013 Scrambling for Africa: AIDS, Expertise, and the Rise of American Global Health Science. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press Johanna Crane beschreibt…