An Armenian Source on Medieval Sumatra/Srivijaya
There aren't many Eastern Christian sources on ancient Indo-Malaysia/Nusantara, but there's no reason to neglect them nor to believe that they're less valuable than Marco Polo. In…
There aren't many Eastern Christian sources on ancient Indo-Malaysia/Nusantara, but there's no reason to neglect them nor to believe that they're less valuable than Marco Polo. In…
There aren’t many Eastern Christian sources on ancient Indo-Malaysia/Nusantara, but there’s no reason to neglect them nor to believe that they’re less valuable than Marco Polo. In…
You may remember that I’ve been working on my Jawi script – the Perso-Arabic-based writing system used by Malay speakers to write their language from the fourteenth…
You may remember that I’ve been working on my Jawi script – the Perso-Arabic-based writing system used by Malay speakers to write their language from the fourteenth…
You may remember that I've been working on my Jawi script – the Perso-Arabic-based writing system used by Malay speakers to write their language from the fourteenth…
Antonio Pigafetta visited Borneo in July 1521 during the first circumnavigation of the world, immediately after Magellan’s fatal encounter with the Filipino chieftain Lapu-Lapu at Mactan in…
Antonio Pigafetta visited Borneo in July 1521 during the first circumnavigation of the world, immediately after Magellan’s fatal encounter with the Filipino chieftain Lapu-Lapu at Mactan in…
Antonio Pigafetta visited Borneo in July 1521 during the first circumnavigation of the world, immediately after Magellan's fatal encounter with the Filipino chieftain Lapu-Lapu at Mactan i…
In 1511, a Portuguese force under Afonso de Albuquerque successfully invaded the city-state of Melaka on the west coast of the Malay Peninsula. At the time, Melaka…
In 1511, a Portuguese force under Afonso de Albuquerque successfully invaded the city-state of Melaka on the west coast of the Malay Peninsula. At the time, Melaka…
In 1511, a Portuguese force under Afonso de Albuquerque successfully invaded the city-state of Melaka on the west coast of the Malay Peninsula. At the time, Melaka…
We’ve looked at a few of the marvels recorded in Polo’s Devisement and Odoric’s Relatio over the past couple of weeks. It’s important to bear in mind…
We’ve looked at a few of the marvels recorded in Polo’s Devisement and Odoric’s Relatio over the past couple of weeks. It’s important to bear in mind…
We've looked at a few of the marvels recorded in Polo's Devisement and Odoric's Relatio over the past couple of weeks. It's important to bear in mind…
The earliest inscriptions from Indo-Malaysia are generally considered to be the Kutai inscriptions from eastern Borneo (now a national park), dated on stylistic grounds to the fourth…
The earliest inscriptions from Indo-Malaysia are generally considered to be the Kutai inscriptions from eastern Borneo (now a national park), dated on stylistic grounds to the fourth…
The earliest inscriptions from Indo-Malaysia are generally considered to be the Kutai inscriptions from eastern Borneo (now a national park), dated on stylistic grounds to the fourth…
Ever felt like the best conversation at the party is happening in the next room? When I did my field research in an urban neighborhood in Java some…
A short while ago, I wrote that Odoric of Pordenone’s name for the north of Sumatra, Lamori, came from the Arabic al-Rāmnī, a name commonly given to…
A short while ago, I wrote that Odoric of Pordenone's name for the north of Sumatra, Lamori, came from the Arabic al-Rāmnī, a name commonly given to…
A short while ago, I wrote that Odoric of Pordenone’s name for the north of Sumatra, Lamori, came from the Arabic al-Rāmnī, a name commonly given to…
It was my birthday yesterday, and my lovely girlfriend bought me a copy of Stuart Robson’s translation of the Desawarnana, the famous Old Javanese kāvya, or poem,…
It was my birthday yesterday, and my lovely girlfriend bought me a copy of Stuart Robson's translation of the Desawarnana, the famous Old Javanese kāvya, or poem,…
It was my birthday yesterday, and my lovely girlfriend bought me a copy of Stuart Robson’s translation of the Desawarnana, the famous Old Javanese kāvya, or poem,…