El genocidio kurdo y la eterna resistencia como forma de vida
Read Time:14 Minute, 35 Second “De vez en cuando, la piedra perfora la piedra” Proverbio kurdo Este proverbio sirve como ejemplo …
Read Time:14 Minute, 35 Second “De vez en cuando, la piedra perfora la piedra” Proverbio kurdo Este proverbio sirve como ejemplo …
This month, Kylie [0:50] kicks off our conversation by reflecting on our blog about racism in sport and asks us about the ethics of ad targeting on social…
“It was so special” appears in simple white letters on a black screen while the performer Yadgar Bakir is speaking in a calm voice about childhood events that…
In the future, people will say, “On the 16th of October, it happened again.” The Kurds were once again betrayed by the international community. Afraid of losing their…
It was during my fieldwork in Slemani, Iraqi Kurdistan, when I started seeing Kobane popping up everywhere in the city. Hair salons, murals, restaurants, travel agencies and even…
with Aneil and Ryan Special Guest: Serra Hakyemez Is waiting political? Can you cut in line at Starbucks during your hectic morning commute? In this episode of TAL…
Vor bald einem Jahr berichteten wir von dem Projekt “Sonderkontingent” des Landes Baden-Württembergs, welches unter der Leitung von Dr. Michael Blume durchgeführt wurde (Als Religionswissenschaftler …
Welcome back to In the Journals, a look at recent publications in the world of security, law, crime, and governance. The February issue of Cultural Anthropology is…
Im Sommer 2014 begann ein düsteres Kapitel in der Geschichte der Religionsfreiheit. Die Terrormiliz des sogenannten “Islamischen Staates” richtete im Irak Massaker an, neben verfolgten Christen und A…