Enigmas of Corporeal Justice: Surrogacy and Legality in India
Over the last two decades, India has become a popular global destination for what is commonly referred to as reproductive tourism, wherein clients travel from one part of…
Over the last two decades, India has become a popular global destination for what is commonly referred to as reproductive tourism, wherein clients travel from one part of…
When: 28 May 2021 / 9.30-11 am CET Link: https://zoom.us/j/96385183041 ID: 963 8518 3041 Password: 672357 Danielle Celermajer and Alexandre Lefebvre (University of Sidney) will speak about their new…
Natasha Raheja (Cornell University) will present on ‘Mediating mobility: Migration and brokerage at the borders of the State’. Elizabeth Challinor (Universidade NOVA de Lisboa) will ac…
Astrid Jamar (SOAS) and Laura Major (University of Strathclyde) will present on ‘Authoritarian vernaculars of the right to truth. Exhuming mass graves in Rwanda and Burundi’. Gerhard A…
What can anthropology contribute to the critical conversation about race in America, following the welcome jury decision in the Derek Chauvin trial? After they amassed and presented a…
Lieselotte Viaene (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid) will talk about “Indigenous water ontologies, plurilegal encounters and interlegal translation: some reflections from the field”. Andrea Ballestero…
Sandhya I. Fuchs (LSE and University of Bern) will talk about “Kaleidoscope of truth: Legal fictions, real cases and controversial proof in the production of the Prevention of…
When: 12 February 2021 / 2-3.30 pm CET Link: https://zoom.us/j/93210372616pwd=dTZZ… ID: 93210372616 Password: 4JzWZ6 Abstract This paper examines how expert witness reports use the gramm…
When: 29 January 2021 / 2-3.30 pm CET Link: https://zoom.us/j/93210372616pwd=dTZZ… ID: 93210372616 Password: 4JzWZ6 Abstract Sally Merry was an active participant in the work of the project gro…
When: 15 January 2021 / 2-3.30 pm CET Link: https://zoom.us/j/93210372616pwd=dTZZ… ID: 93210372616 Password: 4JzWZ6 See you on Zoom! Here is the full schedule of the webinar series. You…
Abstract Even though I have been based in a school of law for thirty years, my scholarly contributions do not come across as legally conventional. This is no…
From 11 Decembre 2020 to 21 May 2021 Co-organised by Allegra Lab and EASA LawNet. This series of online talks features presentations that examine the current state of…
Meg Davis Sally Engle Merry got more of a kick than anyone I know from not only thinking big and aiming high herself, but helping other scholars to…
As of 2019, Ghana is the country with the largest gold-mining industry in Africa, overtaking South Africa, after two South African gold mining companies shifted focus on the…
For the past ten years, I have been conducting ethnographic research on the Federal Supreme Court’s (STF) decisions on sexual identities in the Brazilian legal system. Despite the…
One of the first things that gets discussed with reference to India is road traffic. Erstwhile known as a land of snake charmers, this classically orientalist image of…
On the last day of my introduction to anthropology class, we watch scenes from the documentary Trekkies. Students grin at the sincere folks dressed as Starfleet officers and…
What is ‘crime’? A social pathology? A violation of social order? The object or raison d’être of law enforcement? How can we best conceive of crime, criminality, and…
In the landmark hearing of the Oscar Pistorius’s trial who was sentenced for murdering his girlfriend, Pistorius on the request of his lawyer removed his prosthetic legs and…
The cover-image of Ruth Gomberg-Munoz’s book Becoming Legal: Immigration Law and Mixed Status Families depicts a group of protestors holding placards – one which reads ‘We want our…
The task of reviewing Mark Goodale’s Anthropology and Law: A Critical Introduction was weird, in a fractal way. The book itself, the object of my review, is, in…
Although Allegra’s editorial team is academically firmly rooted in legal anthropology, this is – we believe – the first explicit collection of new publications of this subfield. It…
This week we feature new reviews as well as a new call for reviews on the theme of #legalanthro! Tomorrow, our Allie Julie Billaud kicks off the week…