Quan érem "rojos separatistas"
P Placa en homenatge a Jaume Compte a la Rambla de Barcelona, a l’edifici on va morir l’octubre de 1934 Salutació enviada als i les camarades participants a…
P Placa en homenatge a Jaume Compte a la Rambla de Barcelona, a l’edifici on va morir l’octubre de 1934 Salutació enviada als i les camarades participants a…
Comentario enviado a los y las camaradas de la Célula Ramón Casanellas del Partit dels i les Comunistes de Catalunya en junio de 2016 SOBRE EL INDEPENDENTISMO COMUNISTA…
Article: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14649373.2023.2209434 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14649373.2023.2209434 and This is it.
Do we spend too much time worrying about truth and its manipulation of the senses, priority of matter etc., Rene Descartes owes us much as the destructive consequences…
La foto es de Rober Tomás Fragmento de La ciudad redimida. Las ciencias sociales como forma de caridad, publicado en Fundamentos de Antropología, 10-11 (2001): 99-113 La nueva izquierda…
And maybe the overused quote about thorough study of Hegel is a touching nonsense too. ‘In his Capital, Marx first analyses the simplest, most ordinary and fundamental, most…
Most interesting post of the day, and by far, has been this attached article on Bhagat Singh and anarchism, shifting to socialism. A few points fist though. I…
A Opera-play Người Cầm Lái (April 2022) presented Ho Chi Minh as the helmsman. By ‘The People’s Public Security Theatre, it celebrates ‘the beloved President’s 132nd birthday (1890-2022)&…
Bamboo airlines generous 45 kg luggage allowance, plus 25kg add on, and back troubling hand luggage… On the hottest day of the year, leaving Notts at 39 for…
This is an actual event – by which I mean an important discussion that makes important moves, negotiates languages and ambiguities of the decolonial/postcolonial/colonial. There is good material…
Néstor Makhno Nota als col·legues de l’OACU, enviada el 17 d’agost de 2011 EVOCACIÓ I ELOGI DE L’ANARCOLENINISME Manuel Delgado A tall d’opinió diré que crec que el…
La foto és de David Hoffman Comentari sobre una discussió sorgida a classe d’Antropologia Religiosa al curs 2009-10Tenen raó les mames quan ens renyen per parlar de política…
Happy 150th Birthday Vladimir I Lenin.
People got wishful thinking a lot, and I am always for breaking the borders, but as this can be read from afar, I reckon yes, but the prognosis…
Innovations in the Social Sciences and Humanities 4th and 5th of October 2019. Ho Chi Minh City, Socialist republic of Vietnam Welcome to the website for the conference Innovations in…
Laugh out loud passage in Rosa Luxemburg’s letter of April 2 2011 to Kostya Zetkin (Clara’s son) about Lenin’s visits and the sharp dialectical criticism of Lenin by…