Call For Papers – IC_UGC 2018: ‘Those Who Stay: How Out-Migration Affects West African Societies’
IC_UGC Conference 2018 Those Who Stay: How Out-Migration Affects West African Societies
IC_UGC Conference 2018 Those Who Stay: How Out-Migration Affects West African Societies
IC_UGC Conference 2018 Those Who Stay: How Out-Migration Affects West African Societies
‘It’s the global’: these were the words which miners in Sierra Leone used to explain the global economic slowdown of 2007, the event which would lead to the…
Field notes from Kailahun and Kpemalu The road network in Sierra Leone has much improved in recent years, especially since the first time I travelled to the Eastern…
Field notes from Kailahun and Kpemalu. The road network in Sierra Leone has much improved in recent years, especially since the first time I travelled to the Eastern…
Worldwide, the majority of refugees now lives in urban areas. Refugee camps have long since become the hallmark of prolonged refugee crises, so that researchers and aid organisations…
The morning after a long night a well-deserved hangover can be treated with a variety of potent remedies. There is black coffee with lemon, raw egg with Tabasco,…
The morning after a long night a well-deserved hangover can be treated with a variety of potent remedies. There is black coffee with lemon, raw egg with Tabasco,…
Hoffman, Danny (2012): The War Machines: Young Men and Violence in Sierra Leone and Liberia. Durham and London: Duke University Press. Critique of Anthropology 34: 124 (2014). Hoffman’s…
Hoffman, Danny (2012): The War Machines: Young Men and Violence in Sierra Leone and Liberia. Durham and London: Duke University Press. Critique of Anthropology 34: 124 (2014). Hoffman’s…
Igor Kopytoff revolutionised our thinking on the origins of African ethnic identities by arguing that such identities were formed by and through frontier processes. These were the political…
Audits and audit-like mechanisms have been as important in the colonial and postcolonial past of Sierra Leone as they are today, and yet their social consequences in this…
Taking the two West African countries of Guinea and Guinea-Bissau as examples, the paper analyses how discourses of suffering can contribute to the emergence and development of a…