Muslim NGOs Facing COVID-19 in France #MUHUM
Since the beginning of the Covid-19, Muslim NGOs have been at the forefront of the crisis in France. Their implication at the national level challenges negative stereotypes on…
Since the beginning of the Covid-19, Muslim NGOs have been at the forefront of the crisis in France. Their implication at the national level challenges negative stereotypes on…
What kind of practices, forms of moral reasoning and ethical orientation does Muslim humanitarianism entail? In what contexts and in response to what social problems does it arise?…
In this intervention I argue that charitable or humanitarian practices among contemporary Muslims— and everyday religiosity more generally—are constituted and experienced not only through differences …
Drawing on fieldwork undertaken between 2004 and 2013 in Gilgit Town, the multi-sectarian capital of the Gilgit-Baltistan region of northern Pakistan, this brief explores how, even while they…
Scholarly discussions of charity, philanthropy and humanitarianism in varied contexts tend to uphold the moral ideal of giving for the sake of humanity at large or the common…
The Egyptian Red Crescent was founded in 1912 by Sheikh Ali Yussuf with a clear Panislamic and anticolonial agenda. In the following decades, however, the organization turned more…
Saudi Arabia has one of the largest humanitarian aid budgets in the world. It counts as an ‘emerging’ donor of substantial influence in one of the world’s most…
This inquiry into the role of “obligatory almsgiving” (zakat) within Muslim humanitarianism presents a theorization of two modes of Islamic charity: the purity ethos and the developmentalist ethos.…
Closely attending to Muslim theorizations provides an opportunity for social scientists to stop asking such questions as ‘what is so Islamic about Islamic humanitarianism?’ or ‘do Muslim humanitarians…