Kendzior: In Defense of Complaining
This was meant to be a book review. Instead, it’s an essay about the power—and importance—of complaining.[1] The book under consideration here is Sarah Kendzior’s The View from…
This was meant to be a book review. Instead, it’s an essay about the power—and importance—of complaining.[1] The book under consideration here is Sarah Kendzior’s The View from…
By: JC Salyer and Paige West On January 20, over one thousand anthropologists came together to read Michel Foucault’s lecture eleven in “Society Must Be Defended.” What began…
For some people, the election that just took place might seem like just another choice between the lesser of two evils. One more election that we all learn…
On Wednesday morning, amid the turbulent mix of feelings that washed across the country and beyond its borders, an anxious existential question took hold of many of us:…
This entry is part 10 of 10 in the Decolonizing Anthropology series. By Krysta Ryzewski Detroit moves quickly; issues of scale and pace in a city of this…
This is the fifth post in a sequence called Strange Rumblings in the Meritocracy. Given that we as a discipline seem to feel empowered to develop a foreign…
This is the Fourth post in a sequence called Strange Rumblings in the Meritocracy. Sometime towards the end of graduate school, I got it into my head that…
I am going slightly out of depths with this post, traversing into the territory of yet-to-be-formed thoughts, which could either be speculations or reflections; responses, or idiosyncratic musings.…
Freddy Lim Campaign Photo A week before historic elections which swept Taiwan’s ruling Nationalist Party (KMT) out of power, KMT candidate Lin Yu-fang (林郁方) asked voters not vote…
The NGOs and Nonprofits Special Interest Group held its second biennial conference before the AAAs last week. It’s designed to give anthropologists and practitioners working in and with…
[Savage Minds welcomes guest bloggers Renée Salmonsen and Chuan-wen Chen.] Originally posted on the Guava Anthropology Blog 28 September 2014 Author: Hsiu-Hsin Lin Translators: Renée Salmonsen & …