Ingrid Kummels on her new book, Indigenity in Real Time
Interview by Maria Eugenia Ulfe https://www.rutgersuniversitypress.org/indigeneity-in-real-time/9781978834781 María Eugenia Ulfe: Congratulations, Ingrid, for publishing this wonderful …
Interview by Maria Eugenia Ulfe https://www.rutgersuniversitypress.org/indigeneity-in-real-time/9781978834781 María Eugenia Ulfe: Congratulations, Ingrid, for publishing this wonderful …
Read Time:13 Minute, 49 Second Hoy tenemos en “conversaciones en zapatillas de andar por casa” a Juanma Vázquez, el integrante masc…
Interview by Georgia Ennis https://press.uchicago.edu/ucp/books/book/chicago/S/bo28179073.html Georgia Ennis: At the center of your account are the travels and work of missionary Frederick Du Vernet,…
https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/radio-soundings/032576130F53ED88EA2765200B763F9F Interview by Louisa Meintjes Louisa Meintjes: In analyses about popular culture produced during apartheid, Zulu …
Back in 2012 I blogged about MidEast Tunes (mideasttunes.com) one of the largest Arabic music sites in the world. I just updated my old post to fix the…
Interview by Ilana Gershon http://press.uchicago.edu/ucp/books/book/chicago/G/bo27256361.html Ilana Gershon: While this book ostensibly focuses on one radio presenter, because Gogo Breeze interacts w…
This just in: I have a new book chapter out on the Egyptian uprisings. The title is “Mediated Experience in the Egyptian Revolution” and it appears in Digital…
https://www.dukeupress.edu/the-voice-and-its-doubles Interview by Georgia Ennis Georgia Ennis: Throughout your book, you follow both the imaginations and instantiations of an Aboriginal voice in radi…
Here is another set of notes under the broad theme of media and change in preparation for the volume Postill, J., E. Ardevol and S. Tenhunen (eds.) forthcoming,…
Constructing and Consuming Gender through Media Call for Papers CyberOrient: Online Journal of the Virtual Middle East Editor-in-Chief: Daniel Martin Varisco Guest Editor: Mona Abdel-Fadil Submission …