World STI and HIV Congress day 3
A summary of the third day of the World STI and HIV congress in Brisbane, Australia. Read on… Tuesday, 15 September 2015 Plenary Talks today were delivered by Raphael Valdivia, Jane Hocking,…
A summary of the third day of the World STI and HIV congress in Brisbane, Australia. Read on… Tuesday, 15 September 2015 Plenary Talks today were delivered by Raphael Valdivia, Jane Hocking,…
A summary of the second day of the World STI and HIV congress in Brisbane, Australia. Read on… Morning Session on Publishing and Grant Writing for early career…
The World STI and HIV congress and Australasian HIV and AIDS conference are happening back to back this week. Delegates have come from all around the world to attend…
The Joint World STI & HIV & ASHM Congress starts on Sunday 13 September 2015 at the Brisbance Convention Centre! That’s today (in local time)!!! It is the first time the International So…