Fall Semester, 2018 Courses
I am very excited to have three new preps for Fall, 2018. Course overviews are below. LBST 2213: Now this is not a new prep as I have…
I am very excited to have three new preps for Fall, 2018. Course overviews are below. LBST 2213: Now this is not a new prep as I have…
I’ve been slacking on writing book reviews and so I need to get back to it so the next several posts will be just that (unless something happens…
“Storytelling: that’s part of the power of podcasts, and just the power of ethnography in general, to really have people tell their own stories. And I think it’s…
This. Almost buried in Anna Tsing’s book of mushrooming (“The Mushroom at the end of the world: on the possibility of life in capitalist ruins” 2015 Princeton), a…
Scholars, indigenous activists and students from both sides of the Atlantic (or Pacific?) met at the small Venetian island of San Servolo from 14th to 19th of January…
Welcome listeners to the second installment of our Diversity and Inclusion crossover series, bringing together This Anthro Life with Brandeis University. For those of you who are new…
This is the transcript for the talk I gave at Skeletal Biology in the Carolina conference. You can see the PPT here: Slipping into Darkness Slide 1 Introduction Slide…
I am grateful to those who have shared their medical anthropology syllabi here and thought I would add mine to the mix. There is so much one could…
In Ep. #5, Stunted thinking, Annie McCarthy talks slum children, NGOs, and stunting in Delhi, India.
Anthropology has an unhealthy relationship to its past. Approaches range from highly fetishized, almost ritual reading of sacralized texts like The Gift and The Nuer to intense, context-free…
This semester I taught ANTH 490, the History of Anthropology. It is a required class for our majors and is sort of a ‘capstone’ for their anthropology experience,…
One of the most undervalued, but arduous forms of academic work is editing: organizing knowledge, judging quality, finding emergent themes, and forging connections. Editing is a form of…
Five years ago this fall we launched an experiment. As an editor at a university press, with an interest in ethnographic methods and a mandate for publishing teaching-oriented…
Spivak on time, speaking on education and critiquing the knowledge management toolkit template at die Akademie des Verlernens unlearning academy. Has some anecdotes of crying boys and vids…
Gah. Still. No. Change. >Subject: Call for solidarity for the academics for peace on trial Dear colleagues, Our colleagues in Turkey are facing incredible repression under a populist…
From October 13 to October 19, 2017, the Uarctic Thematic network “Arctic Extractive Industries” held a masters/Phd course on the topic of Security, Governance and Geopolitics in relation…
If many of our colleagues send their application to this job offer, we may be able to get another Arctic anthropologist to our team. Please consider, it’s a…
In this time of fake news and alternative facts coming from the White House as well as some media, what can we as scholars contribute to challenge this?…
In this time of fake news and alternative facts coming from the White House as well as some media, what can we as scholars contribute to challenge this?…
Walter, a Synthetic, quietly makes his rounds in the brightly lit, pristine interior of the Covenant, a Weyland Corporation Spaceship. Fingers pressed to the translucent, impermeable glass, he…
Filed under: capitalism, historical, Marx, marxism, media, teaching
This is the fourth and final post in a multi-part blog series in which Katherine Cook shares her experiences integrating digital anthropology into her teaching. In the first…
In the fall of 1987, the Hartwick Anthropology program became an independent department. Fall 2017 marks the 30 year anniversary of Hartwick Anthropology. The 2017-2018 academic year will…
Next trimester I’m teaching a new course, Anthropology for Liberation. Here’s the course description: How can anthropology advance human emancipation from racism, gender inequality, class …