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From by B. Kahle: … On November 9th in America, we woke up to a new administration promising radical chan…
From by B. Kahle: … On November 9th in America, we woke up to a new administration promising radical chan…
Do you need Podcast advice? How is social media transforming the nature of protesting? Can we hatch a good episode out of chickens? Join us in our latest…
Budka, P. (2017). [Review of the book Handbuch der Medienethnographie, by C. Bender & M. Zillinger]. Paideuma. Mitteilungen zur Kulturkunde, 63, 303-307. Der Sammelband „Handbuch der Medienethnog…
A great new book from Pavement Books: by Jay Murphy £18.99 (inc. postage) ISBN: 978-0-9571470-9-6 Despite being one of the most influential artists and writers of the mid-20th…
One of the things that we try to do on the blog besides offer interesting examples of anthropology everywhere, is to try to highlight advice on professionalization for…
One of the things that we try to do on the blog besides offer interesting examples of anthropology everywhere, is to try to highlight advice on professionalization for…
In 2013, India became the fourth country in the world (after Russia, the United States and the European Union) and the only emerging nation to launch a Mars…
By Haley Bryant Upon opening my eyes, I see that a figure has appeared on the horizon: a young boy adorned in the iconic red vestments of the…
My goal is to skirt gingerly around evidence leaving it just where it lies, and instead to prod the contingent margins where iterative social practices and their artifacts…
One of the things I love about teaching anthropology is thinking about and showing how — through everyday experiences — broad processes shape local lives. I think that…
One of the things I love about teaching anthropology is thinking about and showing how — through everyday experiences — broad processes shape local lives. I think that…
Over 43 million gallons of milk has been dumped into manure pits and fields the first eight months of 2016. There is too much of it. Yet milk…
In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, mobile phones are being used in many different ways for many different reasons—from oppression to liberation. PAPY MULONGO/AFP/Getty Images Today …
This month’s Web Roundup is focused loosely around the theme of the visual. How do we use photography and other mediums to tell stories, and what stories do…
Vorlesung “Visuelle Anthropologie in Zeiten zunehmender Digitalisierung“, Wintersemester 2016/17, am Institut für Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie der Universität Wien Philipp Budka Ziele D…
Diese Concept Map visualisiert die wesentlichsten Punkte einer “Ethnographie des Cyberspace” nach Ackermann (2000). “Für die Ethnologie sind die sozialen Phänomene des Cyberspace ins…
The Denver Museum of Nature & Science (DMNS) curates a beautiful fur parka from Barrow, Alaska. The body and hood are made of muskrat fur; the hood is…
Many students struggle with culture shock as they make the transition between high school and post-secondary education. New freedoms for many students living away from home for the…
One month ago I happened to drop by Basement6 right on time for the opening of a solo exhibition by Shangainese artist 许聪 Xu Cong called Technological Spectacle…
Social media platforms can be used to perpetuate the trafficking of animals and animal products such as bear bile, which is commonly harvested from Asiatic black bears. Lee…
In a recent blog post, I focused on the Global Positioning System (GPS) and mused on how we ever got along without high-tech navigational aids. GPS units became…
In Yogyakarta, one of Indonesia’s culturally rich cities, lies Kampoeng Cyber, or “Cyber Village”—a community that caught the attention of Mark Zuckerberg (right), the co-founder of Facebook, for…
Although they are often illegal, counterfeit electronics such as these fake iPhones continue to be manufactured in China and distributed widely due to high demand for inexpensive products.…
Anthropologist Lindsay A. Bell has written a two-part post for Teaching Culture on “her attempt to organize a senior seminar course around producing a podcast based on student research”…