A Tale of Three Springs: The Masks and Desires of Water’s Infrastructure
By Peter Habib, Department of Anthropology, Emory University. I came across it on a blazing Monday, tucked away next to a small dikkān (corner store) and a complex…
By Peter Habib, Department of Anthropology, Emory University. I came across it on a blazing Monday, tucked away next to a small dikkān (corner store) and a complex…
Über russische Kultur reden während Russland Krieg gegen die Ukraine führt? Vadim Zakharov über zwei unterschiedliche Arten des Schweigens und über die Aktualität der Erfahrungen aus dem sowjetischen …
In 2009, the Taiwan High Speed Railway Company (THSR) claimed that severe land subsidence in Changhua and Yunlin counties was compromising and damaging the structural integrity of the…
The people of Gaza have long been punished by the Israeli state for refusing to live in a ghetto, but in July and…
The people of Gaza have long been punished by the Israeli state for refusing to live in a ghetto, but in July and…