Technologies of Equal Participation: Formats, Designs, Practices. Introduction.
This browser does not support HTML5 audio Listen to an audio recording of this piece read by Svetlana Borodina Photo by Gareth David on Unsplash Only tod…
This browser does not support HTML5 audio Listen to an audio recording of this piece read by Svetlana Borodina Photo by Gareth David on Unsplash Only tod…
This browser does not support HTML5 audio Photo by the author. As the new year and the new semester have been off to (hopefully) a good start, Platypus…
Pixabay The first weeks of 2021 brought no relief, even though so many hoped otherwise. Instead, the first twelve days clearly demonstrated that exclusion, inequity, violence, and multiply…
Twenty-eight years ago, in 1992, the United Nations General Assembly resolution 47/3 proclaimed December 3 as International Day of Persons with Disabilities. Immediately following the International Da…
For someone interested in the genealogy of disability inclusion in Russia, Soviet disability pedagogy, known at the time under the name of defektologia, may seem to be a…