How a Megadam Disrupts the Flow of Water—and Money
In Northeast India, a controversial hydropower dam moves toward completion—causing great uncertainty for downstream dwellers whose livelihoods depend on the river. ✽ At the peak of summer monsoon,…
In Northeast India, a controversial hydropower dam moves toward completion—causing great uncertainty for downstream dwellers whose livelihoods depend on the river. ✽ At the peak of summer monsoon,…
Während die Auseinandersetzung mit der als ‚Frauenkrankheit‘ bezeichneten Endometriose auf Social Media, in Selbsthilfegruppen, Ratgeberliteratur, Dokumentarfilmen, Podcasts und alternativer Medizin z…
In this NBN episode, I am joined by anthropologists Eva van Roekel (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) and Fiona Murphy (Dublin City University) to talk about theit edited book, A Collection of…
Avui comencem a la Universitat de Barcelona el 12è Congrés Ibèric d’Estudis Africans, una de les cites científiques més importants de l’africanisme a nivell internacional, amb 400 intervinents…
A paleontologist journeys through Indonesia’s Riau Archipelago in search of Homo erectus remains, but uncovers how environmental devastation has erased much of the region’s history. ✽ FROM THE…
International migration is a controversial political and policy agenda, leading to the adoption of different policy measures in both sending and receiving countries. This blog takes the case…
Photos by Leah Mata Fragua Wild poppies need intense heat to germinate, which is o…
Professor Hartmut Leppin, Althistoriker an der Goethe-Universität, wurde vom Archäologen Professor Markus Scholz maßgeblich einbezogen bei der Entzifferung der „Frankfurter Silberinschrift“. Eingeroll…
Every two weeks I am going to feature one of the chapters of our Handbook on Humanitarianism and Inequality which was published in spring 2024. This week we…
Andrea Pia’s Cutting the Mass Line examines water supply and increasing scarcity induced by the climate crisis in a rural area of Yunnan, Southwest China. Combining a rich…
In An Archive of Possibilities: Healing and Repair in Democratic Republic of Congo (Duke UP, 2024), anthropologist and surgeon Rachel Marie Niehuus explores possibilities of healing and repair in the eastern…
This is a thought experiment on the consequences of technical rationality, the dominant epistemology of practice that tells us that “professional activity consists in instrumental problem solving made…
Are you a parent navigating the overwhelming world of modern motherhood and parenting myths? In this episode of This Anthro Life, host Adam Gamwell speaks with Nancy Reddy,…
Tribes are subject to the political whims of the federal government like no other people at any time in our history. First, all lands that
Vu Hong Lien. Rice and Baguette: A History of Food in Vietnam. Reaktion Press. London: 2016 ISBN: 9781780236575. pp.252. Richard Zimmer Sonoma State University In her Introduction,&nb…
The Affective Life of a Controversial Paper and the Formalization of (Ethnographic) Research Ethics Text by Franz Templin (Humboldt-Universität Berlin) Art by Moxi Ochsenbauer This essay discusse… Cécile Evers: In the beginning of Untold Stories, you recount an anecdo…
A poet calls readers to act in the face of interconnected violence, exploitation, and privilege. “Heaven on Earth” and “Jesus Is Palestinian” are part of the collection Poets…
Environments associated with migration are often seen as provisional, lacking both history and architecture. As Anooradha Iyer Siddiqi demonstrates in Architecture of Migration: The Dadaab Refugee Camps and Humanitarian…
Am 27. Januar jährt sich die Befreiung des Konzentrationslagers Auschwitz – ein Gedenktag, der nicht nur in Deutschland eine zentrale Rolle in der Erinnerungskultur spielt. In diesem Jahr…
Critical Approaches to Death, Dying and Bereavement (Routledge, 2025) by Professor Erica Borgstrom & Dr. Renske Visser is the first of its kind to examine key topics in death,…
From Marx’s London Notebook no b63 Heft LXIV – the last four pages on Francois Bernier on India. As Engels several times says, the handwriting is impossible. ARCH00860.B_63…
Normalerweise bezeichnen sich Diktatoren nicht als Diktatoren. Vielmehr streiten sie es ab und verwenden den Begriff Diktatur für Demokratien. Nicht so Aljaksandr Lukaschenka. In Belarus unternimmt er…
More details will follow closer to the date – stay tuned!