Why a world on fire needs anthropology
By Thijl Sunier – Those who were in the Netherlands between 6-8 November could not possibly have missed it. Riots broke out around a football match between the…
By Thijl Sunier – Those who were in the Netherlands between 6-8 November could not possibly have missed it. Riots broke out around a football match between the…
By Peter Versteeg – One day, we also took to the streets to protest against atrocities in a rather distant country We were only a few as nobody…
By Robert Cornelis – It’s one of the first warm days in May, and I am slightly thrown off by how lush and green my birthplace appears. In…
By Eva van der Pol – Ever since I can remember, I have loved language. To me, it is so interesting to see where words come from, how…
door Eva Koemar – Toen ik de dag na de verkiezingen op de VU kwam, hoorde ik veel bezorgde geluiden over de ‘monsterzege’ van de PVV. De uitslag…
By Peter Versteeg – The opening images of the documentary “White Balls on Walls” show us an ivory tower: a huge building, shining white, almost sterile, a stronghold…
By Thijl Sunier On October 28, 2022, I shall give my valedictory lecture speech as professor of anthropology, chair of Islam in European Societies. The theme of the…
By Irene Stengs On 1 September 2022, the Dutch Central Organisation for the Meat Industry (COV, Centrale Organisatie voor de Vleessector), a partnership consisting of organizations involved in…
by Thijl Sunier According to Dutch media, the Netherlands has reached a milestone these days. For the first time in history, the country has a majority of inhabitants…
door Vivian Mac Gillavry In december 2021 zag ik dat een artikel van mij uit 2013 in de “Top Posts” stond, acht jaar na dato. Ik vroeg de…
By Sophie Koolma Many labels are applied to Schilderswijk, a multicultural neighborhood in the city of The Hague. Slum, ‘problem area’, ghetto, disadvantaged, poor. These are all words…
By Senske de Vries Before the thesis-period actually started I was somewhat hesitant about how this would be. I had heard from others that they hated working on…
Image from a Dutch high school history book. Photo by author. By Sientje Trip When browsing one of the history books of the high school I researched I…
DOOR TON SALMAN Nationalistische betogen kunnen zelden bekoren. Ze zijn altijd wat gezocht. En wat hooghartig. En contingent. Immers: hebben de Nederlanders nu werkelijk unieke kwaliteiten, van he…
BY FREEK COLOMBIJN More than two decades ago I published an article on the urban symbolism of Canberra, the national capital of Australia (Colombijn 1998). When Australian states…
In het kader van de actie ‘Boer Burger Brunch’ stonden er afgelopen 13 december 28 trekkers op de Dam. Doel van dit boerenprotest: het gesprek aangaan met de…
By Caroline van Slobbe This week, I have experienced the specific scent and feel of teargas for the first time. It is in first instance itchy, as if…
By Alenka Mrakovčić We probably agree that language use is among the most taken-for-granted aspects of our daily lives. But what if within the language you use, yo…
Door Marina de Regt In het Volkskrant magazine van afgelopen zaterdag 26 januari j.l. doet journaliste Ana van Es verslag van haar bezoek…
By Matthias Teeuwen “What becomes of the medium of film in the hands of an anthropologist?” asks Mattijs van de Port in the introduction to his new…
Door Thijl Sunier Er is iets raars aan de hand met de discussie over historische standbeelden, de ‘vaderlandse geschiedenis’ en de ‘nationale identiteit’. Even de feiten op een…
door Thijl Sunier Multiculturalisme is uit de mode geraakt. ‘De multiculturele samenleving is mislukt’ konden we politici in Europa niet lang geleden horen roepen. Multiculturalisme wordt geassocieer…
Door Matthias Teeuwen Bij de openingsvoordracht van de ABv Dag van de Antropologie 2017 over solidariteit kreeg ik het gevoel dat ik dit allemaal eens eerder heb gehoord.…
Photography by Omar, one of Termeer’s respondents By Matthias Teeuwen When one thinks of a Muslim artist in the Netherlands one naturally thinks of someone who, with his…