Der verlassene Fernseher
Geschätzte Lesedauer: 8 Minuten Foto von PJ Gal-Szabo auf Unsplash Ein Beitrag von Thomas Hölzl Vorspann mit Sony Bravia KLV-W40A10E als der Fernseher und Publikum Teil 1: Wir…
Geschätzte Lesedauer: 8 Minuten Foto von PJ Gal-Szabo auf Unsplash Ein Beitrag von Thomas Hölzl Vorspann mit Sony Bravia KLV-W40A10E als der Fernseher und Publikum Teil 1: Wir…
Geschätzte Lesedauer: 13 Minuten Foto von Roman Kraft auf Unsplash Ein anonym veröffentlichter Beitrag Als ich ein Kind war, hat mein Vater meinen Schwestern und mir öfter von…
Geschätzte Lesedauer: 12 Minuten Foto von Crew auf Unsplash Ein Beitrag von Isabella Hesse Unsichtbar, doch nicht zu übersehen „After he passed away… in the apartment there where…
Geschätzte Lesedauer: 10 Minuten Beitrag und Fotos von Maria Prchal Seit aus den großen Musikboxen die Klänge der 1990er Alternativ-Szene gedröhnt sind, ist schon etwas Zeit vergangen. Seit Ja…
Geschätzte Lesedauer: 15 Minuten Foto von Stephan Seeber auf Unsplash Ein Beitrag von Paula Fischer-Zistler Seit über sechzig Jahren wohnt ein altes Ehepaar in seinem selbst erbauten Haus.…
Anyone familiar with the podcast and NPR radio series, This American Life, knows that Ira Glass can tell a really good story. There is something about his slow recitation, perfectly…
Anyone familiar with the podcast and NPR radio series, This American Life, knows that Ira Glass can tell a really good story. There is something about his slow recitation, perfectly…
A 2017 Destinations International (DI) policy brief states, “The devotion of members is the biggest asset to any advocacy organization, even more so than funding”. This assertion rings…
A 2017 Destinations International (DI) policy brief states, “The devotion of members is the biggest asset to any advocacy organization, even more so than funding”. This assertion rings…
In the early Spring of 2020, Mardi Gras celebrations were not hampered by the impending pandemic. The weather was perfect; mild and comfortable. Celebrations continued throughout January and…
In the early Spring of 2020, Mardi Gras celebrations were not hampered by the impending pandemic. The weather was perfect; mild and comfortable. Celebrations continued throughout January and…
A UX (User Experience) researcher is an individual that is responsible for connecting customers of a product with the people who make and run an organization. They talk…
A UX (User Experience) researcher is an individual that is responsible for connecting customers of a product with the people who make and run an organization. They talk…
COVID has forced many of us to work from home while limiting social interactions and travel. To fill social and travel voids, many people have welcomed pets into…
COVID has forced many of us to work from home while limiting social interactions and travel. To fill social and travel voids, many people have welcomed pets into…
Many Destination Management Organizations (DMOs) are allocating funds toward research to inform decisions on strategy. Studies often seek to understand the motivations, behaviors, interests, and …
Many Destination Management Organizations (DMOs) are allocating funds toward research to inform decisions on strategy. Studies often seek to understand the motivations, behaviors, interests, and …
INTRODUCTION All researchers realize early in their careers that they stand on the shoulders of giants in their field. The field of tourism is no different. No matter…
INTRODUCTION All researchers realize early in their careers that they stand on the shoulders of giants in their field. The field of tourism is no different. No matter…
Destinations International’s 2019 DestinationNext Futures Study stresses the importance of Destination Marketing Organizations (DMOs) adopting “community-driven destination development” that aligns e…
Destinations International’s 2019 DestinationNext Futures Study stresses the importance of Destination Marketing Organizations (DMOs) adopting “community-driven destination development” that aligns e…
Originally posted on on June 3, 2020 “A hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonder (where) fabulous forces are…
Originally posted on on June 3, 2020 “A hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonder (where) fabulous forces are…