How Eugenics Shaped the U.S. Prenatal Care System
Black women in the U.S. are far more likely to die from complications related to pregnancy and birth than White women. Two scholars explore how the discrediting of…
Black women in the U.S. are far more likely to die from complications related to pregnancy and birth than White women. Two scholars explore how the discrediting of…
It’s dark outside: 4:34 AM. I am peering through a truck’s windshield, gazing at a seemingly endless stretch of highway. “Female truck driver Li Ping is live streaming,”…
The following monologue was originally written in Portuguese for the ongoing theatrical project Dramaturgias da água e da seca (Water and Drought Dramaturgies), developed by Pavilhão da Magnólia,…
Episode 7 (engl.): Transcendance, Time, and Feminism – An Interview on Simone de Beauvoir with Kate Kirkpatrick and Martina Bengert…
An anthropologist working in Baltimore argues that safety for Black communities requires an end to policing. That also means taking a hard look at how policing intersects with…
Several weeks into my fieldwork at one of the Integrated Tribal Development Agencies (ITDA) in Telangana, a federal state in India, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I…
Based on “Fools Banished from the Kingdom: Remapping Geographies of Gang Violence between the Americas (Los Angeles and San Salvador)” by Zilberg Elana. I had spent the last…
Wie kann neben der Förderung der Gleichstellung der Geschlechter in der Wissenschaft auch die der Forschenden mit Diversitätsmerkmalen sichergestellt werden? Und wie kann neben geschlechterwissenschaf…
Wie kann neben der Förderung der Gleichstellung der Geschlechter in der Wissenschaft auch die der Forschenden mit Diversitätsmerkmalen sichergestellt werden? Und wie kann neben geschlechterwissenschaf…
By Alissa Whitmore McCrystal, Erica. 2021. Gotham City Living: The social dynamics in the Batman comics and media. New York: Bloomsbury. Erica McCrystal’s ambitious Gotham City Living:…
Real, Unreal, and Whatever Else In-between On Chinese gay dating apps, “fake profiles” are a constant concern: photos might have been altered or biometrics might have been fabricated.…
Ab Sommer 2023 wird im European HIV/AIDS Archiv (EHAA) eine Sammlung über Dänemark verfügbar sein. Sie umfasst Resolutionen und Gesetzesvorschläge des dänischen Parlaments zu HIV/AIDS im Zeitraum 1985…
A filmmaker highlights the work of urban archaeologists digging a woman-owned business opened in the late 1800s. In this short documentary, Wayne State University archaeologist Krysta Ryzewski and…
Folge 6: „Made in Chima“ – wie aus einer Dissertation eine Performance wird mit Yumin Li und Kira Jürjens…
An anthropologist uses explicit insults to get students thinking about gender and power in everyday language. Plus, a brief explainer on the slang term “sus.” ✽ “Insult me,”…
Die CSU skandalisiert Lesungen von Drag-Künstler*innen als angebliche Gefährdung des Kindeswohls, die SVP attackiert Gender-Tage. Sie übernehmen dabei die brandgefährliche queerfeindliche Agenda der U…
In Queer Phenomenology, Sara Ahmed reflects on all kinds of tables: work tables, dining tables, but most of all kitchen tables and desks. She reminds us that a…
„Lasst uns das Wissen aus den Gender Studies genau an die Orte bringen, wo wir noch wenig davon gehört haben!“. Das ist der Ansatz von Lia Lang, Diversity…
A sociocultural anthropologist from Pakistan speaks to how women in asylums in a patriarchal culture are in a battle between their realities and their lost dreams. Yet those…
Cities all over the world have witnessed a surge in the use of surveillance technologies, such as data-gathering phone apps, facial recognition software, and closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras…
Jeanne d’Arc, the fifteenth-century Maid of Orleans who led France to victory against England during the Hundred Years’ War, was burnt at the stake as a heretic on…
An anthropologist attends the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC)—ground zero for the current onslaught of anti-trans rhetoric and legislation in the U.S. HOW THE RIGHT DEMONIZES TRANS PEO…
Der Klimawandel mit seinen extremen Auswirkungen auf Menschen und Umwelt wie Hitzewellen und Dürren, Überschwemmungen, Eis- und Gletscherschmelzen sind in allen Weltregionen zu erleben. Klima-Aktivism…
By Michiel Baas. The University of Amsterdam has appointed a committee to investigate academic freedom within its institution. The reason for this is a complaint from lecturer Laurens…