Hope in the Time of Corona: Indonesia
GEGER RIYANTO We were supposed to have a family dinner. In three days, I will be departing back to Germany. I was coming home for a few weeks…
GEGER RIYANTO We were supposed to have a family dinner. In three days, I will be departing back to Germany. I was coming home for a few weeks…
BY SHANNON VAN LEEUWEN, EVELIEN VAN OVERVELD & FRIDUS STEIJLEN March 16, early in the morning I received a Whatsapp message from my student Shannon: ‘We received a…
“She likes it in here,” he said. “Sometimes I have to catch the eggs so they don’t roll onto the floor.”
By Yudha Dewanto After turning 16, never having stepped a foot outside of her province, Katri pushed herself to go to Malaysia. Seeking a solution to family problems,…
Over the last decade, indigenous Marind communities in the rural district of Merauke, West Papua, have seen vast swaths of their forests and savannas razed to make way…
By Freek Colombijn Every Sunday morning from 6 to 10 a.m. part of the main street of Surabaya is closed for all motorized traffic for an event that…
Editorial Note: This post is part of our series highlighting the work of the Anthropology and Environment Society’s 2018 Roy A. Rappaport Prize Finalists. We asked them to…
“Penelitian arkeologi bukan penelitian tunggal. Penelitian arkeologi harus ditunjang oleh penelitian disiplin ilmu yang terkait seperti antropologi, bahasa, seni, geografi, biologi, geologi, dan sebag…
Each entry in the “Single Shot” visual anthropology series presents a single photograph or unbroken shot of video taken during ethnographic field work, plus a short description, with…
By Fridus Steijlen Last April, I visited the mountain village of Bittuang in Tana Toraja, Sulawesi, Indonesia for the fourth time. This is one of the eight locations…
Ana provided me with generous amounts of knowledge, time, and care. She knew I was doing a doctorate, and the understanding between us was clear: her knowledge, and…
Author: Nishadh Rego, a transnational youth, migrant, and new citizen of Australia. He is currently Policy and Advocacy Coordinator at the Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) Australia. Check out some…
The book “Political and Legal Transformations of an Indonesian Polity: The Nagari from Colonisation to Decentralisation” by Franz von Benda-Beckmann and Keebet von Benda-Beckmann is a result of…
There aren’t that many passions that have stuck with me since I left New York City some ten years ago. But one thing feels like home wherever I…
It’s been a while since I’ve updated this blog, but I wanted to let any readers/subscribers know that I’m now writing on Medium under the name Medieval Indonesia (twitter…
The Department of Anthropology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution holds a large ethnographic collection from Maritime Southeast Asia. This Dyak basket was collected not long …
Postill, J. and L.C. Epafras forthcoming 2017. Tweeting religion in Indonesia: when political arenas go viral. American Ethnologist (virtual issue) The popularity of social media in Indonesia, combi…
Droning destruction — aerial view of deforestation in Merauke. Source: Sophie Chao. (Un)settling the Scene Alongside melting glaciers, marine oil spills and sinking islands, large-scale monocrop p…
Door Freek Colombijn. Van 27-29 maart vond in Nederland de “1st Biennial International Conference on Moderate Islam in Indonesia” plaats. De conferentie was georganiseerd door de Nederlandse afdeling…
Halo semua! It’s been a while. Things have been a bit hectic. I got married in Gibraltar last August and moved to the Netherlands with my wife,…
Halo semua! It’s been a while. Things have been a bit hectic. I got married in Gibraltar last August and moved to the Netherlands with my wife,…
Colonial godown next to railways By Freek Colombijn The American anthropologist Ann Stoler argues that the ‘ruins of empire’, or ‘imperial debris’, must be studied less as ‘dead…
Figure 1. A widely shared campaign image calling for the release of Prita Mulyasari, one of Indonesia’s best known ‘ITE Law victims’ (korban UU ITE). Source: Hadin (2013).…
To mark the publication of Drawn to See: Drawing as an Ethnographic Method, author Andrew Causey provides the following thoughts on how drawing can also be used in…