How Anthropologists Excel in User Experience Careers
In the Anthro to UX podcast, Matt provides insights for anthropologists looking to break into user experience (UX) research through conversations with leading anthropologists working in UX. He…
In the Anthro to UX podcast, Matt provides insights for anthropologists looking to break into user experience (UX) research through conversations with leading anthropologists working in UX. He…
“Gaming” is conceptually branching out. It “virtually” overlaps with museum visuals and actively engages with lived cultures and heritage. Both developments point out that perhaps even with the…
This is a thought experiment on the consequences of technical rationality, the dominant epistemology of practice that tells us that “professional activity consists in instrumental problem solving made…
Are governments doing enough to address today’s widening inequalities, or are they pandering to the wealth elite? Max Steuer‘s Dangerous Guesswork in Economic Policy and Sarah Kerr‘…
In August 2024 representatives from multiple online history projects, universities, and public history institutions met in London to discuss key topics in online knowledge mobilization. Over the next…
Menstruation as a subject of study is not new. Margaret Mead, Mary Douglas, Chris Bobel, Miren Guillo, and Karina Felitti, among many others, have discussed how menstruation has…
After five years of research and writing, I am pleased to announce that my first book is under contract with University of Texas Press. Peer reviews came back…
Authors’ Note: The following essay uses the words “women” and “girls” in order to mirror the phrasing and experiences of cited literature as well as the responses of…
Japan SPOTLIGHT, November/December 2024 Issue (#158) Link: Click the link above and scroll down to: Click, or follow the link below fo…
As I became acquainted with social studies of science and technology, particularly through anthropological research, I realized it opened new doors for me, offering fresh perspectives and…
A few years ago, my friend Caroline Bennett gave me Lynda Barry’s 2014 book Syllabus: Notes from an Accidental Professor and this term I decided to use some…
Common sense tells us that play and work are opposing categories. However, in our society we often encounter situations where the boundaries between these two categories become difficult…
I was a guest on The Sausage of Science podcast with Dr. Chris Lynn, discussing my research. Listen below.
Graffiti on the facade of the building where one of the interviews was conducted. It features a drawing of a healthcare worker wearing a mask and cap, holding…
Marije Miedema* This blog post is based on the master’s thesis completed at the Research Master Arts, Media and Literary Studies, at the University of Groningen. It highlights…
A couple of weeks ago, a coyote climbed the fence into my mother’s backyard and attacked one of her dogs, Cujo. The coyote only stopped its assault when…
That’s right, after six and a half years of toil (and fun) spread between a rainforest in Cameroon and a library and office in London, the thing is…
Last week Jogai Bhatt from RNZ approached me to do an interview about Generation X for a mini-series they are airing in the lead up to Generation X:…
The entrance of the room where the Mocambo group works. Photo by the author. This essay is one of the results of a roda de conversa (a conversation…
This essay joins ethnographic fieldwork with a visual storyboard to explore speculative futures that arise from ongoing processes of dispossession and loss in the foothills of the Andes…
Entrance door to the infectious and parasitic diseases wing. Image by author. Luiza is a pediatrician and researcher specializing in infectious diseases who works at a teaching hospital…
On April 30, 2019, a shooter entered my classroom on my last day of teaching at UNC-Charlotte. I was preparing to move to Texas to begin a doctoral…
Abstract This dissertation investigates the coexistence of humans and javelinas in Texas. Through a blend of traditional ethnography, ethology, and GIS mapping, the study explores the dynamics…
I’m an anthropologist doing my PhD on activism and organizing. I’ve also been an organizer myself for over a decade, primarily focusing on drug policy, but also coalition-building…