Why We Post: Anthropologists take on Social Media
In response to our posts last week about the presence and role of anthropologists and other academics on social media, I stumbled across the Why We Post, Social…
In response to our posts last week about the presence and role of anthropologists and other academics on social media, I stumbled across the Why We Post, Social…
By Dr. Sara B. Pritchard Department of Science & Technology Studies, Cornell University So it began. This was the image that sparked my interest in light pollution and light-pollution…
Are you an artist, musician, hacker, tinkerer, or generally a curious person, between 18 and 24 years?
Functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) makes it possible to image people’s brains while they are moving their arms, which allows researchers to study the brain activity of toolmakers. …
Budka, P. (2017). Internet for remote First Nation communities in Northwestern Ontario. Paper at “3rd CoRe Workshop – Mobility and Remoteness: What is the Connection?“, Vienna, Austr…
Consumers, fed up with having to throw away broken phones, toasters and other appliances, are instead meeting to learn how to repair them and to extend the lifetime…
Seminar “Indigenous Media” for the MA Program in Visual and Media Anthropology at the Free University Berlin. Course Description “Indigenous media matters because indigenous people d…
by Veronica Barassi via EASA Media Anthropology Network mailing list We will be launching our next e-seminar on Tuesday the 9th of May 2017 at 00:00 GMT. If…
Held on Tuesday, August 29, this event will explore possibilities for data justice through a framework of environmental justice.
Many of you may have marched (or chosen not to march) at last week’s March for Science. I marched with my partner and young son here in Coimbatore,…
Thanks Kaloy Cunanan for recovering this from ascii-land. An article on the multi-function polis in Malaysia, from 1999 Hutnyk 1999 Semifeudal Cybercolonialism Technocratic Dreamtime in Malaysia appea…
Modern science is full of surprising analytical techniques that can be used in a wide variety of remarkable circumstances. My favorite technique is dendrochronology—the study of “tree time.”…
What is the role of software in planned obsolescence and waste? It may play a greater role than hardware…
Budka, P. 2017. Medien und Literalität in der Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie: (Digitale) Medienpraktiken aus kulturvergleichender Perspektive. Vortrag im Workshop “Dark Side of Literacy”…
I am leading a research group at the moment called SLOM:Lab (Social life of Methods Lab). This is a blog post I wrote for the SLOM:Lab.org website last …
Repair and waste share many points of convergence from an analytical perspective (as well as a practical one!). Continent has just released a special issue all about repair:
Call for Papers for AAA 2017 Meeting in Washington, DC Session Title: Anthropology of Police: Techno-politics, Reform, and Questions of Violence Organizer: Hayal Akarsu Discussant: Kevin G. Karpiak…
Cocina, música y comunicación: Tecnologías y estética en el Yucatán contemporáneo, de Steffan Igor Ayora Diaz, Gabriela Vargas Cetina y Francisco Javier Fernández Repetto (UADY / CONACYT 2017) Mar…
What is the most iconic military vehicle ever created? For both visual and acoustic reasons, I’d suggest it’s the Huey helicopter of the Vietnam War era. World War…
Free video (& audio) analysis and transcription tools, partly collected via the VISCOM list serv. AQUAD 7 is a software for qualitative coding and qualitative content analysis. ELAN…
Have you heard of Space + Anthropology? This group blog through Medium.com brings together commentaries on the intersections between tech, culture, space, sci-fi, art, and anthropology. We alread…
Have you heard of Space + Anthropology? This group blog through Medium.com brings together commentaries on the intersections between tech, culture, space, sci-fi, art, and anthropology. We alread…
Did you know that Google Translate now allows you to translate text from photos using the mobile app? (We’re living in the future!) Recent studies have shown that…
Did you know that Google Translate now allows you to translate text from photos using the mobile app? (We’re living in the future!) Recent studies have shown that…