Colombia’s referendum to end a 50 years Cold War
by Lucía Arcoiris © Felipe Chica Jimenez Colombia has lived an internal conflict for more than 50 years. Since 2012, peace dialogues with FARC, the largest ongoing guerrilla…
by Lucía Arcoiris © Felipe Chica Jimenez Colombia has lived an internal conflict for more than 50 years. Since 2012, peace dialogues with FARC, the largest ongoing guerrilla…
The Black Lives Matter movement is seeking to put an end to the inequities faced by blacks in the United States. In Sri Lanka, the failure to redress…
By Lieke Prins During the three months of my fieldwork in Medellín (the second-largest city in Colombia) I researched the political ideology of social science…
In August we had posted about anthropologists doing work in dangerous contexts, highlighting the imprisonment of Dr. Homa Hoodfar in Iran. While Hoodfar has been released, her story…
In August we had posted about anthropologists doing work in dangerous contexts, highlighting the imprisonment of Dr. Homa Hoodfar in Iran. While Hoodfar has been released, her story…
Dear Dean and Mona, At four years old and ten months old, you are both too young to understand why the grown-ups around you keep talking about…
The most common pattern for bonded labour in Pakistan is for a landlord or an employer to extend a loan to labourers, in advance of the work done,…
LSPIRG’s (Wilfred Laurier University) I am Not a Costume campaign Boo! Hallowe’en is a rich holiday for anthropologists to dig into for how it brings together many different…
LSPIRG’s (Wilfred Laurier University) I am Not a Costume campaign Boo! Hallowe’en is a rich holiday for anthropologists to dig into for how it brings together many different…
Workshop: Critical Approaches to Irregular Migration Facilitation: Grounding the Theory and Praxis of Human Smuggling Where: University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, Texas (USA) When: April…
In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, mobile phones are being used in many different ways for many different reasons—from oppression to liberation. PAPY MULONGO/AFP/Getty Images Today …
The editors of Anthropoliteia are happy to present the latest entry in on ongoing series The Anthropoliteia #BlackLivesMatterSyllabus Project, which will mobilize anthropological work as a pedagogical…
Every year in recent memory, the opening of the annual Canadian Anthropology Society (CASCA) conference begins with an acknowledgement that the meetings are taking place on Indigenous territory.…
Anthropoliteia (@anthropoliteia) is another great anthropology resource publishing in blog form, offering “critical perspectives on police, security, crime, law and punishment around the world.” One of…
Last week, a variety of news outlets covered the International Criminal Court’s successful prosecution of Islamic extremist Ahmad al-Faqi al-Mahdi for destroying nine historic mausoleums in 2012 at…
The editors of Anthropoliteia would like to welcome Dr. Sameena Mulla to introduce our newest project, The Black Lives Matter Syllabus Project, which will mobilize anthropological work as a pedagogic…
Thierno Hamidou Diallo, may he rest in peace, was fatally shot on August 16th, 2016. He is the tragic victim of the anti-government demonstration in the Guinean capital…
Anthropology is a discipline that was born out of colonial encounters and systems of power. Anthropologists have historically been complicit in supporting the people, systems and ideas through…
The editors of Anthropoliteia welcome Olly Owen with a dispatch from fieldwork with police in Nigeria. Olly Owen is ESRC research fellow at Oxford University’s Department of International Develo…
“As Americans, we grieve…”[1] Mass shootings in contemporary American society have emerged as events of profound political and cultural symbolism; indeed, the news media has often attributed to…
Cultural appropriation has been almost a buzzword lately, giving us anthropologists a lot of popular culture fodder on the topic — and perhaps more importantly, spurring critical discussion…
Protestors in Brazilian favelas—poor neighborhoods in urban areas—have been caught between the police and gangs. Marcos De Paula/Associated Press On the night of June 24, 2013, the street…
Last May, an international workshop entitled Rethinking political agency in the Middle East: Engaging political anthropology took place in Fiesole at the European University Institute. We published b…
The 27th African Union Summit, underway in Kigali, Rwanda, is widely expected to adopt one of Dr Donald Kaberuka’s recommendations on how to increase member state contributions…