GBAS Mexico 2023
Sesión plenaria de apertura. Foto GVC. Igor Ayora Diaz y yo estuvimos en el Global Business Anthropology Summit 2023, un congreso sobre antropología de negocios que tuvo…
Sesión plenaria de apertura. Foto GVC. Igor Ayora Diaz y yo estuvimos en el Global Business Anthropology Summit 2023, un congreso sobre antropología de negocios que tuvo…
What is business anthropology? Business anthropology is the discipline that applies the theories and methodologies of social anthropology in the investigation of (or for) organizations and their ecosy…
Businesses want and need anthropologists. It’s time we claimed our skills and told industry leaders what our training and expertise can do for them. Anthropological concepts, methods, and…
For the past seven years, anthropology has become the central theme of my life. My undergraduate thesis was focused on problematizing career opportunities in anthropology. Around that same…
Have you asked yourself: what role can anthropology have in the world of social entrepreneurship? This article introduces some of the contributions that anthropological research can provide to…
Understanding the meanings we give to objects and the way in which we associate them with attitudes, emotions, and memories, can be highly useful when creating a new…
Between 1924 and 1932 members of the School of Human Relations conducted research to evaluate the impact of changes in working conditions on the productivity of workers. The…
Generally, when we change the year on the calendar, people tend to look back and see how they have evolved, what they have done and reflect on it.…
With this entry, we are closing the series of interviews on Design Anthropology that we have published this year 2018 on the occasion of Why the world needs…
Co-author: Oswaldo Morales Tristán PhD in International Studies from Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies from the University of Waseda, Japan. MBA from ESAN. Master’s Degree in Economics and…
Exploring Evidence This Anthro Life is opening the conversation with EPIC (the Ethnographic Praxis in Industry Community) on the theme of Evidence. Taking center stage at this year’s…
Jan is an award-winning researcher, designer, author and the founder of Studio D. He also founded field equipment brand SDR Traveller. He was previously Principal Scientist at Nokia’s…
The Field Study Handbook (2017) is a work written by Jan Chipchase. It is a real manual for all those interested in embarking on the world of strategic ethnography…
Dr. Tricia Wang sees her work consulting as sitting at the crossroads of data and social justice. As a global tech ethnographer, Dr. Wang is obsessed with how…
An interesting anecdote is told by Patricia Sunderland and Rita Denny in their work “Doing Anthropology in Consumer Research”. They were both contacted by an important fast food…
An interesting anecdote is told by Patricia Sunderland and Rita Denny in their work “Doing Anthropology in Consumer Research”. They were both contacted by an important fast food…
Capitalism is generated through moral and economic negotiations. After a series of discrimination allegations, Starbucks announced in April that it would close to eight thousand stores on May…
Photo: Gigi Taylor Thanks to the Society for Applied Anthropology (SfAA) for having Adam Gamwell and Matt Artz of This Anthro Life present at the annual meeting in…
Jan Chipchase is a leading design researcher. Some of you may have come across his work on the anthropology of mobile phones. I discovered it by chance while…
In this article I will defend the incorporation of the “business anthropology” in the training plan of the different degrees and studies in Social Anthropology, either as a…
In this article I will defend the incorporation of the “business anthropology” in the training plan of the different degrees and studies in Social Anthropology, either as a…
This post was submitted by Robert J. Morais and Elizabeth K. Briody. In 2011, Florida Governor Rick Scott disparaged the return-on-investment (ROI) of an anthropology degree: “We don’t…
Partnering with business for sustainability. Although the US federal government under the Trump administration is working to roll back the Environmental Protection Agency and withdraw from the Paris…
The Laurits Andersen Foundation at the University of Copenhagen has granted funds to the Department of Anthropology for a three-year fully financed PhD position in the field of…