White + Word Gap = Wrong!
The following post was written by AAA members Susan D. Blum, Netta Avineri, and Eric J. Johnson in response to a recent article in the Washington Post. Read…
The following post was written by AAA members Susan D. Blum, Netta Avineri, and Eric J. Johnson in response to a recent article in the Washington Post. Read…
Chinese female migrant workers working in a local reflective vest workshop. Photo by Xinyuan Wang A question always strikes me as I write up ethnography and prepare for…
Photo by Elisabetta Costa Education has become an important topic of investigation in our comparative research. Last May we also explored and presented our findings in a…
Look at me and explain „who do you want to be in ten years?”. „I want to be a famous professor, living abroad. I want to publish a…
Examples how many of us are complicit in our subordination and domination by neoliberal power… Patricia Hill Collins is a professor of Sociology who many argue has published…
Image Courtesy Quinn Dombrowski (Creative Commons) I hear from colleagues in our department that completing a PhD can often be a solitary experience. Anthropologists tend to accept the fact that socia…
John Mellencamp is one of my favorite rock singers. I find it fascinating how he depicts urban life. It is well-known that in his songs he delivers sharp…
I was giving history lessons to 10th graders, and once I had managed having a Socratic circle about the qualifications of a good leader. Our key example was…
Teaching Hartwick Anthropology courses is what launched and sustains Living Anthropologically. For more information, visit the Hartwick Anthropology webpage and sign up for some great fall 2015 Hartwi…
The correct and inevitable guilty verdict in the sad case of the “Atlanta Cheating Scandal” is a reminder that the current system of high-stakes testing drives all particip…
This is a guest post by Sean Seary, a Hartwick College graduate interested in understanding human interactions with biological and social environments, and how anthropology can use that…
the culture of post-graduate research at UWI can be described as tough in terms of adequate supervision yet the students themselves demonstrate resilience in this tough working environment…
Both are seventeen. They are too young to vote in places like the US. But we need more of them! Malala! All around the world people know this…
The power of art, dance and song in empowering the education and social connection of young Trinidadians… How much do we really know about the youth of Trinidad…
Fall 2014, teaching Cultural Anthropology. The Hartwick College Anthropology format for teaching cultural anthropology is to begin with a four-fields Introduction to Anthropology, followed by mid-leve…
If metaphors organize our thinking and if there is no genuinely neutral way of speaking about anything, then it is worth looking into the dominant metaphors used. School is a domai…
Why are people poor? Why do children of the poor not thrive? The latest explanation for why children coming from disadvantaged households do not rise in this land…
Update: See the 2015 Introduction to Anthropology for more thoughts on this course and how the 2014 books worked. For spring 2014, another round of Introduction to Anthropology–another…
Update 2015: This is the archive page for 2014 Anthropology Blogs. Click Anthropology Blogs 2015 for a current list and see also the Anthropology Blogs 2013 and 2012…
David Dunaway said that “The FBI persued Pete Seeger to the point where he couldn’t get a job. The only people he could sing for were kids, because…
David Dunaway said that “The FBI persued Pete Seeger to the point where he couldn’t get a job. The only people he could sing for were kids, because…
David Dunaway said that “The FBI persued Pete Seeger to the point where he couldn’t get a job. The only people he could sing for were kids, because…
David Dunaway said that “The FBI persued Pete Seeger to the point where he couldn’t get a job. The only people he could sing for were kids, because…
It was a great honor and privilege to be invited to deliver the Cultural Anthropology overview for the Five Fields Update sponsored by the Society for Anthropology in…