Crossing the uncrossable
By Ekaterina Thor – The Russian border. Since most countries decided to close their borders and most airlines chose to pull out their offers, going to Russia and…
By Ekaterina Thor – The Russian border. Since most countries decided to close their borders and most airlines chose to pull out their offers, going to Russia and…
Door Thijl Sunier – De recente ongeregeldheden in Den Haag waarbij Eritrese demonstranten slaags raakten met de politie, leidden in de media en aan de talkshowtafels tot verhitte…
By Ekaterina Thor, second-year Bachelor student of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology Opening our daily news feed on the 24th of February, most of probably needed a second…
This article talks about how cultural anthropology plays into international business and the importance of understanding and respecting different cultures to have effective meetings with international…
DOOR VIVIAN MAC GILLAVRY De aarde moesten we verlaten. Na de exponentiële groei van de wereldbevolking in de jaren 80 van de 21e eeuw, de technologische crisis en…
FATHI RAYYAN Most of us would be able to recall World War I and its catastrophic outcome that triggered the emergence of the International Relations (IR) discipline in…
Review of: Patriots, Traitors and Empires: The Story of Korea’s Struggle for Freedom, by Stephen Gowans. Published by Baraka Books, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. 6 x 9 inches. 280…
By Lysanne Vrooman Almost half a year ago, on the 25th of March 2017, it was the sixtieth anniversary of the treaty of Rome.…
Van een grote organisatie zoals de Verenigde Naties tot de relaties die men met familieleden heeft, macht is overal aanwezig. Maar hoe komen machtsrelaties eigenlijk tot stand? Deze…
By Emma Louise Backe Marvel’s latest superhero juggernaut, Captain America: Civil War (2016) is a tense, tightly paced skirmish. The camera skitters between the ideological poles of Tony…
We’re back in Peru! Join Adam and special guest Alexander Wankel of Pachakuti Foods for a conversation about the future of food production, agrobiodiversity, sustainability, and keeping traditio…
When designing a research project, a researcher’s initial plans are often interrupted by what data we actually can access. Whether negotiating political structures, cultural taboos, necessary permissi…
Coca and Mate by Guilherme Heiden and Adam Gamwell Mate (pronounced mah-tay), or more commonly known as yerba mate for English speakers, is an herbal tea drink native…
Foto: UN Multimedia Door Annette Jansen Genocide en etnische zuivering komen al sinds het begin van de 19e eeuw voor, maar pas eind jaren 90 – na…
Internal changes must come about. © Cindy Cornett Seigle, via creative commons. By Thijl Sunier The day after the attacks in Paris, the French President François Hollande declared…
by Yoram Kannangara The commencement of the new millennium and the age of global networks, 9/11, The Gulf War(s) semantics, Al-Qaeda, and incessant turmoil in the Middle-East. These are…
We traditionally understand the world to be controlled primarily by technologies of violence and destruction. Who controls these technologies and how they are regulated are arguably the most…