Network Ghosts in the Age of Generative AI
What are faculty thinking about generative AI? In my role at our faculty center, I speak to faculty often on the problems they face teaching in the…
What are faculty thinking about generative AI? In my role at our faculty center, I speak to faculty often on the problems they face teaching in the…
By Own screenshot, Fair use, I watch people on the Seoul subway playing 쿠키런 (Cookie Run) while we barrel towards Chongno. It’s the successful coloniz…
You’ll see them in film, k-dramas, music videos, webtoons and video games: narrow Seoul alleys (골목길), old restaurants with peeling wallpaper, protagonists drown…
Page 99 of my dissertation offers only a half-page of writing. The top half contains a screenshot from YouTube of the original soundtrack (OST) for the Hum TV…
Isolated during the first year of the Covid-19 pandemic, I started to follow on Twitter (the social media platform now called X) a few scientists who were dedicating…
In Digital Contention in a Divided Society, Paul Reilly examines how social media influences political engagement in Northern Ireland, analysing digital interactions during the Union Flag Protest (201…
Prof. Dr. Viera Pirker, Professorin für Religionspädagogik und Mediendidaktik an der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main sowie seit 2024 Vizepräsidentin der Goethe-Universität für Studium und Lehre,…
Communism continues to thrive both as a ubiquitous presence and a powerful electoral force in the south Indian state of Kerala. Established in 1940, the Communist Party of…
I realized that I miss connecting – and being connected – with other people. Last week I read Taking the Work out of Networking by Karen Wickre, and…
Today (April 26, 2024), our book, “Multimodal Methods in Anthropology” is released into the world. Here’s a song I’ve created for the moment using Udio, a text-to-song Generative…
Caty Borum‘s The Revolution Will Be Hilarious: Comedy for Social Change and Civic Power considers how comedy intersects with activism and drives social change. Borum’s accessible text draw…
Download the full transcript of this episode. CASTAC in the Spring 2023 The 2023 edition of CASPR: CASTAC in the Spring discussed digital ethnography and its multiple facets.…
The algorithm swiftly gets it –yes, I am sucked in by news about Gaza- and collapses my social media platforms’ feeds into a monothematic thread that mirrors my…
Interview by James Slotta James Slotta: A couple of decades ago, paeans to the liberatory potential of the internet were common. Since then, t…
Page 99 falls in chapter two of my dissertation. This chapter, “Moments of Disruption,” describes how members of the radical right group, Alternative for Germany (AfD), message a…
Im Juni 2021 habe ich mich erfolgreich auf ein Abschlussstipendium von REMID e. v. beworben und konnte mit dieser Förderung meine Masterarbeit mit dem Titel „Atheistische Online-Community –…
It’s dark outside: 4:34 AM. I am peering through a truck’s windshield, gazing at a seemingly endless stretch of highway. “Female truck driver Li Ping is live streaming,”…
Das Coming-of-Age und die Mischung von Realität und Fiktion sind an sich klassische Stoffe des literarischen und filmischen Erzählens. Die aktuellen TV-Serien über das Erwachsenwerden fügen diesen Sto…
Photomicrograph of various seeds. By Alexander Klepnev: Own work, CC BY 4.0.* This post is more practical than nostalgic. Yes, sometimes I like to look back and think…
Real, Unreal, and Whatever Else In-between On Chinese gay dating apps, “fake profiles” are a constant concern: photos might have been altered or biometrics might have been fabricated.…
In this post, we unpack the meaning and many works of creating and maintaining digital multiples, a term we coined in our recent ethnography, A Filtered Life, to…
Retaining a youthful appearance is a laborious and painful exercise, often rife with invisible labor. Digital beauty tech has made it much easier. Rather than altering our own…
Since Elon Musk bought Twitter, there has been an exodus of “Twitter executives on the front lines of protecting safety, security, speech, and accessibility. Some were fired, others…
Platypod In this episode, Platypod presents a conversation between Baird Campbell (Rice University) and Ilana Gershon (Indiana University Bloomington). They discuss the politics of connection and disc…