Major academic publisher sold our souls to god of generative AI for a paltry 10 Million
At least Black Sabbath got to sell their own souls, and it was for rock and roll. We never even got that chance. A corporation I had never…
At least Black Sabbath got to sell their own souls, and it was for rock and roll. We never even got that chance. A corporation I had never…
In 2019, my friend and colleague Grant Otsuki started experimenting with Generative AI (GenAI) – GPT-2 by OpenAI – to see how well it did at writing an…
Centaur Solutions For Customer Support: Amplifying AI Efficiency with Human Empathy When customer service systems are poorly planned, people can get trapped in automation loops. This results in experie…
In Working Assumptions, Julia Hobsbawm examines the impacts of Covid-19 and generative AI on the future of work. Exploring debates around how flexible working impacts productivity, the rising number o…
Double Apple Pie — Case + MJ Apple’s recently-announced but belated embrace of AI is being called “boring” by some fans of ChatGPT. My perspective is somewhat different — because AI helped me…
16.05.2024, 16.30-18.00 UHR In diesem Workshop reden wir einmal nicht darüber, wie KI Prüfungen verändert oder für Hausarbeiten eingesetzt werden kann, sondern wie wir sie im Bewerbungspro…
It’s 2025. You and your spouse are sitting down to some serious education. You ask, “So what do you feel like?” Your spouse says “how about Bernie and… Stefan Helmreich: Your first book, Placing Outer Space, asked not only how place was imagined on and for such off-Earth entities as exoplan…
Die Frage, wie Chatbots unser Schreiben verändern, verengt sich häufig auf die Texterstellung und die Nutzung von geistigem Eigentum zum Machine Learning. Dieser Beitrag geht in eine andere…
Prompt Engineering versprach vor allem in der ersten Jahreshälfte 2023 Beschäftigungschancen. Inzwischen hat sich unserer Wahrnehmung nach die Euphorie wieder etwas abgekühlt; die Fähigkeit, …
Inside the Very Human Origin of the Term “Artificial Intelligence” — And Its Seven Decade Boom/Bust Cycle With so much growing interest and fear around AI, it may be helpful…
Amid global climate impacts, vulnerable communities—including indigenous peoples, farmers, fisherfolk, and low-income groups—are frequently expected to adapt, change, and build resilience to uncerta…
Docentes de la Facultad de Ciencias Antropológicas de laUniversidad Autónoma de Yucatán en un taller de Turnitin.Foto G. Vargas Cetina, 2023. Engaños en la academia Quizá desde…
Im Frühjahr brainstormte ich mit einem Kollegen zu einem Workshop für Studierende, der das boomende Thema KI für die Bewerbung aufgreifen sollte. Wir machten einen wunderbaren Plan für…
Seit der Lancierung von ChatGPT Ende November 2022 durch OpenAI wird die Frage nach den gesellschaftlichen und kulturellen Auswirkungen von Chatbots, die auf ‚Large Language Models‘ beruhen und…
[Featured image courtesy of Mike MacKenzie,, and Wikimedia Commons] Various SAR members have suggested that SAR bring to Santa Fe an expert to talk about the possibilities…
The Familiar Strange · Ep#104 We let ChatGPT write this title: ""ChatGPT: The Future of AI-Assisted Conversations" It’s been a while… We’re back, this time with Familiar Strange…
We’re back this week with a great interview with Frank Pasquale! The Familiar Strange · Ep #100 The laws of Robotics & Anti-Trust Frank Pasquale on AI Law…
The Familiar Strange · Ep#98 Human Centered Design & “Futurising” Insights: Dr Vaike Fors on Emergent Mobility Technologies This week, Familiar Stranger Emma conducts her first interview! Emma…
In early June, Blake Lemoine, then an engineer at Google, claimed that LaMDA, a Machine Learning-based chatbot, was sentient and needed to be treated with respect. LaMDA stands…
The Familiar Strange · Ep #97: AI Art & Activist Anthropology Revisited: This Month on TFS This week we’re joined by Familiar Strangers Kathy, Lachlan, Alex and Sean…
The Familiar Strange · Ep#95: A Hex for My Ex: Witchcraft & AI Podmen: This Month of TFS Welcome back to the Familiar Strange! This week we welcome…
On the 99th page of my dissertation, “The Objective Function: Science and Society in the Age of Machine Intelligence”, the first full paragraph describes how machine learning researchers…
Can your phone keep you mentally well? Developments in digital phenotyping have brought new attention to forms of behavioural data collection that capitalise on the apparent ubiquity of…